Why Hollywood Denies It

So I'll be doing a video review of this is about a week,but wow that was intense. 2nd best modern war movie behind Black Hawk Down. Of course the award recognition is absent because it's believed the movie makes Hillary Clinton look bad, which itself doesn't, and because all critics are brainwashed into believing that Michael Bay sucks.

One of the best movies I've seen in years. Glad Hulu added it.

Running YouTube's Best Daily Vlog, Literally


How dare you even compare this to Black Hawk Down.


by tristanwerbe ยป 1 day ago (Wed Jan 18 2017 16:33:30)
IMDb member since January 2017
How dare you even compare this to Black Hawk Down.

It is a great comparison and both are modern war or battle movies. Or are you only saying the OP should not make this comparison?

Regressive Liberal Fascist should not rule this country.


Simple amswer...? Cause Hollywood is full of liberal morons who host celebrity democratic candidates for their causes...that's it.
Complete bs.
That bitch will be judged one day either by God or someone with balls to investigate.
God.Family,country. Hua


Both based on a book about the real events.
Both about people surviving in a *beep* hole country.
Both telling about how U.S. politics overrides common sense and throw good people into bad situations for no good reason.
Both were extremely well done movies.

Yeah, why would you compare the two?


How dare they ignore this movie?

(Gets nominated for Best Sound Mixing)



Yes it is a fact that the Clinton money machine did subversive acts and threats to persuade distribution and release of this film to ainimum while her campaign was in full swing.
If you noticed, not many people knew this film even came out, and was limited to few theaters, after the initial opening.
It's all out here check infowars.com
Truth will always be brought to the light.
