MovieChat Forums > Audacity (2015) Discussion > If God can make anything, why use a book...

If God can make anything, why use a book?

I don't understand people who believe that a creator who is in possession of such traits as "omniscience" (knowing everything, all the time without fail) ~ "infinite creative capacity" (the ability to make anything you want, no concept is beyond this character's grasp) ~ would think that a book... is sufficient evidence of that creator's existence. I mean think about it... why a book? If you know that it's just going to get "misinterpreted" or "misused" or "taken out of context" by people who want to use it for stuff like discriminating against gays, or people of another racial heritage, or women who want to be able to vote, or mixed race couples who want to get married... why give us that book?

Why not give us something much much better, like say.... a Holodeck (the cool thing on Star Trek: TNG that let's Picard and the gang experience stories with all their senses). Or why not use something where you could just upload all that crap into people's heads like how when Neo downloads Kung Fu directly to his brain in The Matrix? Why use text? Text is a limited medium with many hindrances. For instance, you cannot gauge my emotions from what I am writing right now. You also would not be able to understand it if you didn't already know English.

And if you're blind... well you're just screwed. And yeah, they got Text-To-Speech programs nowadays, but they didn't have that stuff back in Ye Olde Bible times. You had to rely on some d-bag preacher to read it to you, and they could just make stuff up. Oh, and blind ~AND~ deaf? Double screwed. So seriously, a technological device would have made way more sense, and also ensured way more converts and also lessened the chances of people "misunderstanding" it and doing douchey crap in your name. Or at the very least, if he still had to keep it as a book, he could have had it done up in Doctor Who's "Psychic Paper" so that way it would automatically translate to whatever language the person reading it understood best.

Oooooh, or if it worked like The Never Ending Story, you remember that movie, right? How the book had all this new stuff in it every time Bastian would read it? Like the book and its characters directly talked to him. Man, imagine if the Bible worked like that! I guess maybe it might, if I went off my pills for long enough. And here's something to think about... (if you're still reading, though I imagine at this point you're about to call this post "TL;DR" ~ I say what's really TL;DR is a book of some 1,900 pages that I need to follow 100% or I'll go to Hell.)

Religious beliefs are very much dependent on factors such as - where you grew up... - who taught you what as a child - and what time period you live in. I grew up in Ironton, Ohio and was raised Southern Baptist by my parents. Buuuut, if I had grown up in the Middle East, I very likely would have been raised to be Muslim, and I'd have believed in the Koran with just as much ferocity and conviction as I had believed in the Bible (before reading it and realizing that it's a load of crap). Back to that "time period" stuff... Okay, let's say that in the future, there's some big "event" that causes humans to lose connection to and awareness of their previous technology.

Basically like the plot to that anime "The Big O" where the residents of the city lose all their memories. Well, in this scenario, humans revert to highly superstitious nomadic tribes who wouldn't understand what a cellphone is anymore than someone from the 1700s would. So when they come across a stash of the old tech in some of the ruins, they find a DVD of The Care Bears (the 1987 Nelvania series, the good one - not that crappy remake crap on The Hub). They watch this thing on the magic glowing glass box that paints the moving / talking pictures, and they think that this is direct communication from a race of anthropomorphic bears with magic powers who live in the sky and watch everything humans do...

...instead of parents teaching their kids about how "If you don't believe in God and Jesus, you won't go to Heaven, instead you'll go live with Satan in Hell" ~ they teach their kids "If you don't be nice and believe in the Care Bears, you won't get to go live with them in Care-A-Lot, instead, you'll go live with No Heart the evil Wizard in his big gloomy castle." Meanwhile, other factions of nomadic tribes are stumbling across other stockpiles of technology and forgotten pop culture, so you got the Care Bears religion going to war against the My Little Pony religion, and the Dukes of Hazard religion going to war against the Knight Rider religion, and it's all just a big mess.

All of them think that ~their~ chosen pop culture deity is the best and they're killing each other over that stuff cuz they think it's real. Meanwhile, nobody is killing over the Bible or the Koran, cuz those things were just stupid paper and ink, and they already deteriorated to dust a long time ago. This is kinda how I view Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

Did you get through all of that? Cool. Now go listen to Greydon Square.
The Mandlebrot Set is a fantastic album.



I do not have time for retarded nonsensical dialog. I am a serious theology student. I have dedicated my life to God's word. God's revelation to man is what was needed not your retard science fiction fantasies. ( not calling you retarded but your ideas certainly are. I will not discuss with the intellectually challenged who can not be serious. There is not one thing against people of different tones marrying in scripture. It seems ignorance is your forte. Now excuse I have something more important that Star Trek to contend with.


So you don't have time to think or ask questions, lulz. Boy, doesn't that sound familiar.


There is nothing serious to respond to. You are basically crying, "Boo hoo God did not make the world to my liking, He must not be real." No I do not have time for such retardation. Idiot! Now Please move along.


Amazes me that people would exert some much energy and pour so much time trying to change the opinions of others about something that "doesn't exist".

Who are you trying to fool here, us or yourself?


Why would someone spend time trying to convince someone else that putting industrial bleach up your butt won't cure autism?


Because I like thinking? Because thinking is fun? I dunno, for the same reasons and feelings you get from spreading your "good news?" It's like sharing an awesome musician or band with somebody....

When someone else is like "Oh yeah, I've thought that before" and you don't feel alone? It's fun to connect with other people who have asked the same questions as you, and since Ray-Ray says that IMDB has been "taken over by atheists" I expected to find a lot more of us on here. I also wanted to see how many of those atheists were aware of Greydon Square's music... and if they aren't, to show them.

Why do I spend so much time thinking about all the flaws of Christianity? Cuz it's fun. It's entertaining. I would spend the same amount of time trying to disprove someone thinking that leprechauns were real... if there were actually a large amount of people who did... and who used their belief in leprechauns as an excuse to do mean things to other people who didn't believe in leprechauns, or who did mean things to the people who believed in Smurfs instead of leprechauns.


So you have all knowledge? I know just like you that God is real. I just don't suppress the truth in unrighteousness.


It's the CARE BEARS and deep down inside, you know it to be true!

You really do "know" the Care Bears exist, and that when you die and you get to the Gates of Care-A-Lot, Funshine Bear is going to say "But... I never knew ye" and then dropkick your sorry Care Bear hating ass over to No-Heart's castle. Is that what you want? You wanna live in No Heart's big scary castle for ever and ever and ever where it's always got lightning strikes???


Wouldn't you much rather get to live in Care-A-Lot and have flying cars made out of clouds, and little Star Buddies, and get to live with the Care Bears and the Care Bear Cousins, who I don't even know why the hell they're called Care Bears since they're different animals like racoons and elephants and lions and junk. Oh and by the way, don't listen to those people trying to convert you to that stupid My Little Pony religion, those guys are all wrong, liars, the whole lot of 'em. They just want to trick you so you'll believe in ponies instead of bears so that when you die, you'll go to No Heart's castle.



And the only reason you're so angry at Muslims is because you know Allah is the one true God, and that when you die, you'll be punished by HIM instead of that silly made-up Yahweh. That's probably why you have such a boner for burning Korans, cuz yer just jealous of Allah for being real and not fake like Yahweh.

Silly scared Christian, ALLAHU AKBAR!


You know that Jesus wasnt the real messiah, you only believe that he is your savior because you want to sin and disobey gods commandments of the old testament.
If you eat shrimp or work on the sabbath then you will burn in hell.

Btw, do you have an answer to the question why your incompetent god used a book that was written in a dead language to communicate with his creation instead of using a method that is more... godlike? ;)

Your one true god seems to be indistinguishable from all the thousands of manmade gods.


First and foremost we are reading God's word today. We also know and can study, learn, speak and read biblical Hebrew and Greek today.
Jesus is the Messiah. Isaiah 53 was a part of Jewish yearly readings up until after Christ died and rose again. Then it became a banned portion of their bible. The earliest Jewish writing shows that the Jews at one time acknowledged that Isaiah 53 was speaking of the Messiah. Isaiah 53 does a wonderful job describing Jesus. Oh by the way that is Old Testament. You are obviously too ignorant to understand the Mosaic laws. Like we have civil and criminal laws today. They had ceremonial laws meant to keep the Jews separate from the Pagan nation that surrounded them. Those laws were binding on the nation of Israel and were fulfilled in Christ. Therefore they are no longer binding. Then there are the moral laws that were binding then, have always been binding on all people and always will be. You bringing up a ceremonial law and charging me of breaking God's law only shows your foolishness and ignorance. As a theology student I have to laugh at your ignorance.
Now since you have been nothing but disrespectful I will joyfully ignore you and move on.


You seem super cool. Are you a Greydon Square fan yet? You should be.

I can't wait for Type 3: Aumniverse to come out (supposedly it'll be done at the end of September, Grey is still working on it).

I love Greydon and the other #GU peeps... <3


Typical Christian apologetics, lol. And you don't like thinking, that makes me rather sad. You're like one of those silly Scientologists who actively avoids reading anything about L. Ron Hubbard so you don't shatter your own illusions.

And you hate sci-fi? Man, sci-fi has had some of the coolest stuff ever. And at least some of it winds up becoming a reality. Star Trek communicators --> cellphones.

Knight Rider --> Google's Self-Driving Cars.

You're just mad because your fictional friend didn't give us something as cool as an actual technological device that would prove his existence and win more converts over to your side.

All you have is a book written by people who still thought the Earth was flat and that the "firmament" was real.

People actually believe this crap... yep. No satellites or shuttles have >EVER< left Earth's atmosphere, cuz the magical snowglobe dome God put over us won't let them.


That's probably because the origins of Scientology are widely known, anyone with the internet can discover for themselves that L. Ron Hubbard was a failed sci-fi writer who tried to make money from a "self-help" system, got shut down by the US government for operating the company illegally and so decided to alter it slightly and start passing it off as a bogus religion.

Christianity on the other hand has no such murky origin.


"The Old Testament was written in Hebrew not English." ~ wboydsp

Who the heck do you think I am, homie? Michelle Bachman? Sarah Palin? You thought this was NEW information you were providing me with? Oh yes, I am totally some Fox News drool-monkey who thinks that the Bible was originally written in English, and Jesus spoke perfect english and was white like in all the artists' renderings, lol.

"Or at the very least, if he still had to keep it as a book, he could have had it done up in Doctor Who's "Psychic Paper" so that way it would automatically translate to whatever language the person reading it understood best."

Read my post again, and let's try to think.

Actually, let's lol collectively at the fact that writers for TV shows and movies have had more imaginative ideas about sharing information and experiences than the guy you keep saying created the Universe and can make anything he wants.
