Hail Sagan!

Awesome song by Baba Brinkman and Syqnys (#GU!)


"Finding the occasional straw of truth awash in a great ocean of confusion and bamboozle requires intelligence, vigilance, dedication and courage."

"One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. it is simply too painful to acknowledge -- even to ourselves -- that we've been so credulous.(So the old bamboozles tend to persist as the new bamboozles rise."

"Such reports persist and proliferate because they sell. And they sell, I think, because there are so many of us who want so badly to be jolted out of our humdrum lives, to rekindle that sense of wonder we remember from childhood, and also, for a few of the stories, to be able, really and truly, to believe--in Someone older, smarter, and wiser who is looking out for us. Faith is clearly not enough for many people. They crave hard evidence, scientific proof. They long for the scientific seal of approval, but are unwilling to put up with the rigorous standards of evidence that impart credibility to that seal."

"You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe."

"What I'm saying is, if God wanted to send us a message, and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a better job."

"Anything you don't understand, Mr. Rankin, you attribute to God. God for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off and say God did it."

"Science is more than a body of knowledge, it’s a way of thinking. A way of skeptically interrogating the universe with a fine understanding of human fallibility. If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we’re up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along."






(Verse 1)
I'm like the atheist spokesman /
That's why I come under fire,
and pressure attacks like Rex Grossman /

Yeah, this game is intense /
I been sayin' it ever since,
agnostic people been playin' the fence /

They keep sayin' it's the same in a sense /
That evolution requires faith,
that the universe just came to exist /

First of all, micro-evolution's been proven /
In the same way that sound waves let you listen to music /
And macro-evolution is the system of change /
At or above the level of the species inflicted with change /

That's micro-evolution on a grand scale we can't even word /
Because our life span's too short to observe /
"But carbon dating is flawed! /
Its half life is 5730 years, and that supports our cause" /

Now that'd be great if we used it to date /
But since we don't then I'm gonna question that argument's weight /

We use potassium argon to date the globe /
Not carbon 12 or carbon 14, not none of those /
So before you attack Grey, go get ya facts straight /
Because in the facts race, your god comes into last place /

Belief in gods, we can fix that /
Irrational thoughts, we can dispatch /
It may be hard but we'll get back /
In the position just to end that /

(Verse 2)
To battle me you need to reason clearly /
Now I'm not sayin' fear me /
But at least be versed in punctuated equilibrium theory /

Grand unified fields, quantum mechanics and dark planets /
With logic that's sharper than a blade of d'Artagnan's /
To destroy arguments of creationists who can't stand it /

Then they try and hit me with the wager /
Who? Pascal's wager. Who? Pascal's wager /

Now that's a fool's bet /
And against the intelligent, it's used less /
Really? You bet /

That ain't nothing new, they use it on kids /
But for those who don't know it goes a little like this:

"Wouldn't you rather believe in god and be wrong /
Than to not believe in god and be wrong /

If you believe in god and your wrong, you've lost nothing /
But if you don't believe and you're wrong, it's all suffering" /

The problem is you can try it on anything /
Switch the gods around and apply it to anything:

The Flyin' Spaghetti Monster, Zeus, Amun, Ra /
Krishna, Odin, Baal and an Allah /

Which one of 'ems our God? /
None of 'em, all false /
And blame it on the atheists, it's always our fault /

Except it never is /
So don't get mad at us, we just showin' ya'll the evidence /

Belief in gods, we can fix that /
Irrational thoughts, we can dispatch /
It may be hard, but we'll get back /
In the position just to end that /

Grand Unified Theory...
Rational Response Squad...
I'm gonna make the fundies hate me...
They gon' need a new reason to shut down rap...

But they won't shut down rap that degrades women though, huh...

They won't shut down rap that talks about sellin' crack though, huh ...

It's all good...
