MovieChat Forums > Audacity (2015) Discussion > Why would anyone who hates Ray Comfort p...

Why would anyone who hates Ray Comfort pay $20 to leave a bad review?

I can't believe the majority of negative reviews came from people who were willing to give Ray Comfort their financial support, and then turn around and blast his movie as homophobic, unscientific, biased, etc. They obviously have never had an objective view about homosexuality. They've always been in support and they are lashing out against anyone who presents any evidence against their preconceptions.

If they saw the movie, they pirated it.

I get criticisms like it's too expensive, or it's too short, or he's spent a lot of money just to do interviews, or he crowdfunded this but obviously made much of the movie before he got funding. Those might be legitimate complaints, but if your complaint is that he's homophobic, then you would never pay $20 to see the movie.


They obviously have never had an objective view about homosexuality.

What, and Christians have?

They've always been unsupportive and they are lashing out against anyone who presents any evidence against their preconceptions.

See how a little editing can make your own statement be altered against you?

If they saw the movie, they pirated it.

Making such a statement without a shred of evidence is outright lying. Plus it's slander.

if your complaint is that he's homophobic, then you would never pay $20 to see the movie.

I can't speak for those people, but perhaps they want to give Ray the benefit of the doubt. They want to be open minded and see the others side and if Ray is capable of actually making a decent movie.


"What, and Christians have?"

Been objective about homosexuality? Yes. Especially people like Ray Comfort.

"Making such a statement without a shred of evidence is outright lying. Plus it's slander."

No it's not. It's neither. It's common sense. It's obvious. And I've been dealing with these people for more than ten years. What I described is precisely what they do.

"I can't speak for those people, but perhaps they want to give Ray the benefit of the doubt. They want to be open minded and see the others side and if Ray is capable of actually making a decent movie."

Well they obviously didn't do this.


Been objective about homosexuality? Yes. Especially people like Ray Comfort.

Yeah right. Like christian parents that kick out their own homosexual children. Yeah that's objective.

No it's not. It's neither. It's common sense. It's obvious. And I've been dealing with these people for more than ten years. What I described is precisely what they do.

You made a positive statement of a crime without evidence. Unless you can provide such evidence you are a liar and making a slanderous statement. One can't make a blanket statement like that and make it apply to everyone.

Well they obviously didn't do this.

Says you. At least some gave Ray a chance, while Rays sheep come on here and rate this insult to cinema a perfect 10. Trying to say that it's better than every award winning film ever made. That is much more dishonest.


Really? REALLY??? Offsetting liara by saying a video is a ten star movie is worse than piracy? REALLY????


Show me one shred of evidence that this a reviewer watched this through a pirated copy.
If you can't then you're making an assertion without collaborating evidence.


Ten stars has two meanings. It could either mean, "the best movie ever made," or it could mean, "the best possible movie."

You might give Lion King ten stars because you might think it's the best possible children's story. But that doesn't mean you think it's better than the Godfather, which you might think is the best film for adults.

Just because someone gives a movie ten stars, that doesn't mean they think it's the best movie of all time.


Ten stars has two meanings. It could either mean, "the best movie ever made," or it could mean, "the best possible movie."

What in the world does "the best possible movie" mean?
Does it mean that it was the best possible movie made under those circumstances?

When someone says something like "it's the best possible children's story" they are comparing it to other children's stories" So if one is comparing a film against others in the same genre and think it's the best, sure that's legit.

Now if we're saying that Audacity is the best Ray Comfort movie, then sure that's fine because honestly his other films were terrible so saying that Audacity is the best of them isn't really saying much.
But if we compare Audacity against other Christian themed movies than I have to question their opinion. Not saying that they're opinion is wrong, but when comparing it against much better Christian themed movies such as The Ten Commandments or Ben-Hur I really question their reasons as to why.


The very fact that you even believe there was any purported legitimate evidence in this, or, really - any form of media - says loads about you.


Uhm. I am informed on this subject. I know Comfort's work well. I saw the video. I am fully aware of the evidence.


The answer is, they didn't. They wouldn't watch it if it was free.


I saw it.


Did you pay $20? Or did you watch a pirated version?


Its on Youtube for free. I saw it there.


You do know that it is available for free on Youtube, right?


It wasn't when my comment was posted.



Like I said... They pirated it!!!


I told Ray on Facebook that I couldn't afford to pay for the movie.

He told me to email [email protected] and in reply I received a time limited link that enabled me to view the movie for free for 48 hours.

Then I came here and gave it the rating it deserved. 1/10

If you actually read the negative reviews it becomes quite obvious that most of them did in fact watch the movie, and critiqued it not just on its message, but on its dreadful scriptwriting, wooden acting, lack of continuity, racist dialogue etc.

What you will also find if you read the earlier ten star reviews, you will find that many of then did not watch the movie before voting, or said there were problems with the movie but voted it 10/10 anyway.

Ray has posted half a dozen appeals for votes so far, and he also claims this is a "war".

So much for love can't stay silent.


Can't wait for his next album to drop, at the end of Semptember, it's gunna be awesome. <3


If they saw the movie, they pirated it.

It's posted on youtube.

It's legally posted to youtube. That's Ray Comfort's company that posted this. Did this actually get a theatrical release? Did people actually BUY this film?



Did this actually get a theatrical release?

Unknown. I know that it had some premiers. I'm just not sure if they were at churches or an actual theater. And if it was a theater, I have to wonder if they just rented out one screen.

Did people actually BUY this film?

Yeah, $20 for a digital copy of it. Then if these same people wanted a dvd copy released in August they had to pay at least another $10 for that. All the while greedy Hollywood puts out movies on DVD or Blu-ray in packs that have a digital copy download for $20 total.


Fuzzy, did you know that on the Audacity page Ray is asking for people to pay $3,400 to fly a banner behind a plane promoting a free movie?

Living Waters makes millions per year, and yet is asking people to pay to promote his free movie by flying a banner. $3,400 could buy a lot of food for a local food pantry, but winter coats for the homeless for the upcoming winter and other much more useful things than to promote this.


Living Waters makes millions per year, and yet is asking people to pay to promote his free movie by flying a banner. $3,400 could buy a lot of food for a local food pantry,

Well, I don't Ray Comfort is actually religious. I think he's like a Peter Popoff Christian. I don't think he actually believes what he spouts.

But I also think he likes money.

Wouldn't be surprised to know he's asking for $3,400 for the banner, and will just collect money endlessly doing some Hollywood Accounting - never achieving the goal no matter how much money he collects for it.

I just don't trust him.

I don't trust Creationists in general to be honest. It's like talking to a Flat Earther. Yeah, it's possible they believe this BS, but also unlikely.


But I also think he likes money.

Of course he does. No wonder that on his twitter page he asked them to go on IMDB and rate it a 10. Not what they think it deserves, no what Ray tells them to rate it.

And why? Cause he knows that a higher rated film would get more views on youtube. And he gets money for each view on Youtube, so more money directly into the LW's bank account.

It's just like all the product placement for LW's religious tracts as well as showing Ray's interviews on the computer in the Audacity movie. Anything that could generate sales or internet traffic is what it's all about.
