lol 9.8

The trailer is the lulz. Looks like somebody made the movie using Sims. 9.8 = wtf?


ya i think it probably some sort of spam and people backing this as a good movie are either Indian or have a true respect for the film or are pure trolls. I would give it a 4 animation is just to ridiculous that it makes it comical. I mean if bollywood would make a satire comedy with these kind of graphics it might work. Like south park...


Hi, watch this movie in English, it's really good. Animation is above average. Story is real and unique, my rating is 8/10


I thought almost exactly the same thing. Apparently the story is why, but this was released the same year as Frozen, and though I am loathe to say it I'd much rather watch Frozen again than this just because of how much better looking it is.
