Worth a Watch

Is this as good as Freddy, or Jason, Myers movies. Certainly not the best of them. As good as the worst of them, I'd say so.
So often (even more now that it's almost Halloween) I flip through Netflix trying to find a new horror movie to watch. So often I turn them off, sometimes even 10 min in.
So, in a sea of those kind of movies, this was fine. Good to watch for free with friends.
I say give it a shot if you're looking for a simple, basic slasher flick.


I agree it is an enjoyable movie. I just decided to watch it because Netflix suggested it for me and I'm getting ready for my Halloween movie marathon ?


Halloween movie marathon...I like the sound of that! Whats on your list to watch?


Yeah, for seeing some hot ass


Its a straightforward slasher movie with an ok premise. The high school reunion stuff was interesting and the villain had a cool costume, but it was pretty generic aside from that.

Good for a free watch on Netflix.
