MovieChat Forums > Mr. Robot (2015) Discussion > After-the-credits scene in the S2 finale

After-the-credits scene in the S2 finale

What's your take on it? Why was Joey Badass asking the time? Any theories?

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cleaning house?


That was the dread feeling i got.

---Listen, you smell something?---


Whiterose has known where they were the whole time is what it's saying. And now that they're talking about fixing evertrying which would be detrimental to whiterose's plans, I'm guessing leon was sent to kill them, orrr possibly clue them in on whatever is happening at washington Township so they change their minds


Whiterose doesn't want to hurt Mobley and Trenton at all. She needs them. Somehow she knew that Trenton had discovered how to change things back "to the way they were before."

Trenton: If what I discovered is real, do you know what that means?
Mobley: Yeah, I know exactly what it means.
Trenton: Yeah. It means we could potentially undo this whole thing. Put everything back the way it was.

I think Joey Badass was there to take Mobley and Trenton back to Whiterose so that they can help her reverse everything to the way it used to be.

That's exactly what Whiterose has been talking about all along, to hack time so that the (cancer causing) leak at Washington Township never happened. That way (like she said in the previous episode), Angela and Elliot would be different people, and the 5/9 attack would never have happened.


If you mean "hack time" literally, as in time travel, and that's the direction this show is about to take, then I'll stop watching. I had enough of that BS on Lost.

When you're given two choices, and don't like either of them...find another choice.


Its just people who waaaaaaaaay over think this show. There is nothing to suggest time travel on this show. And mentioning Back to the Future is a lame ass 'clue'. If time travel is part of this show they done a horrible time setting it up.


I wonder when people will stop suggesting unrealistic theories. It's clear, to me at least, that besides Elliot's disorder that causes him to see his father, unrealistic things aren't exactly in the plans for this show. It would make an absolute joke of it.


Its True Detective season 1 all over again. Its just too much reaching when its only Elliot that has mental issues. Everyone else around him are grounded as they can be save the tranny and she looks to be in it for money/control not reverse time or bring balance to the matrix.


I do have to say... TD s1 threw me at the end there with that strange scene Rust had. But that's the kind of thing I'm talking about, how throwing something like that into a mostly realistic show can make it feel like it's trying too hard.


I agree about that whole wormhole looking scene with Rust but same time like Elliot Rust was the only one having these illusions. They never explained why Rust was having them, to keep the mystery I guess, but the point it was ONLY Rust who was having them, no one else and yet people extrapolated that to mean way more than the show itself was suggesting. No one else on that show was having weird visions or questioning others about it. It was a character thing. With Mr. Robot, obviously its a lot stronger with Elliot and Mr. Robot but he's the odd one out in the scenario. Everyone else lives in a grounded world.

But yeah its trying too hard now, thats the problem.


If you mean "hack time" literally, as in time travel,

Well actually those were Whiterose's words, not mine.

"You hack people, I hack time."

I have a feeling that all this has more to do with someone (Elliot or someone else) that is dying and running out of time (to make amends for something bad they have done in the past), then it has to do with literal time travel.

Whiterose controls how much time she spends on things, because she doesn't have much time left.

Dom asks Alexa about the end of the world, because when the person who is imagining her dies... it will be the end of her existence.

I hate to say it, but I have a feeling that in the very final episode, it will be revealed that the leak and coverup at Washington Township by Ecorp, and the 5/9 hack and fsociety and the economic meltdown... all never really happened. That it all has been part of some elaborate alternate reality that exists in only one person's mind.

Then Whiterose will have succeeded, to turn back time and change the events we have seen.

It all started with Elliot falling out that window, that's the primary major event, that will be the only reality that triggered someone's trauma and DID. (I'm not sure if it's Elliot, or it's his father.)

Sorry, just a theory. I know that will make people pissed that it all seemed to have been a waste of time, imaginary. But in the end, we will find out the reasons for everything, and it will make perfect sense, as part of Elliot's narrative.

It's just that to me, if some of it isn't real, then maybe the whole thing is not real. The doubt is there. But I still am totally involved and intrigued by every character and every scenario, every mystery.

Just my own personal interpretation or hunch.


Bro...just stop. This show isn't LOST. Two seasons and two very run of the mill story lines finales. To pull something that ridiculous the show would fall apart in front of your eyes.


Once again, I agree with you Kellykeybored. This "alternate reality" absolutely one person's mind only. And that mind is whichever personality is the dominant one, most likely Elliot or his father, along with his alters' minds who exist in this alternate reality with him.

And I love your theory about White Rose being the timekeeper because she's actually managing what little time is left for "them" to work it all out. Remember early on how Robot tells Elliot he's dying? Well perhaps he's still dying, and alter Elliot's memory of the conversation is just his imaginary backstory. Because alters have their own histories, completely fabricated, of course, but real to them. And so White Rose is Mr. Robot's time management expert, in on the plot because she's another alter and that's her purpose, time. Why White Rose is ALSO Minister Zhang, I have no idea, but I suppose having a transgender alter means they have to have their own counterpart? Might as well make her a part of the Dark Army.

I'm still wondering about Angela. Sometimes I'm convinced she's another figment, and other times I think she's the only real person who knows what's going on with Elliot. Will just have to wait for more clues. But with all the Electra Complex references, I do think the person she might care for is Mr. Robot, and his alters by default. But on the other hand, if all of this other stuff is true, White Rose being an alter, then it almost has to be that Angela is also an alter. Her talking to Tyrell would make sense, since the alters know about Elliot but Elliot doesn't know about them yet.

And Darlene? Dom? They seem pretty unreal, too. IF Dom IS a figment in this alternate universe, then her whole questioning of Alexa makes a lot more sense. Wanting to know when the "end of the world" is. If it's true that Mr. Robot (or Elliot) is dying then as his alter she can sense the impending doom. Also makes sense now that she's talking to a computer, since that is Mr. Robot/Elliot's world. That world is more real to them, than anything else.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


oooh, just had a thought. What if this mostly invisible Dark Army, is actually the representation of Death? Mr. Robot/Elliot's impending doom? It's out there lurking, threatening, a constant source of worry and continuously interfering in unexpected ways?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


I wanted to thank you for all your kind comments centrd, I've enjoyed discussing various theories with you this season. It's so rewarding to come across others who enjoy thinking outside the box and considering all the possibilities. It's been fun.

I just wanted you to know I've always enjoyed reading your insightful posts, and look forward to more of the same next year. Thanks!


Two people patting themselves on the back for coming up with bizarre and ridiculous theories...nice.


Ah, that's so kind of you! And believe me, I reciprocate your thoughts tenfold. :)

See you next season!

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Its like you're watching a totally different show. None of that crap has anything to do with this show. Its about a group of hackers taking down a corporation, not about time paradoxes and avatars. This isn't Twelve Monkeys.


I'm sorry...are you talking to me? I didn't say a word about time paradoxes or avatars.

There's one thing we know, Elliot has DID and that means he's created alternate realities for himself. That's how DID works. We also know that Elliot regularly hallucinates and fabricates events and people.

This theory is as valid as any other. But if your simplistic interpretation makes you happy, that's great. No reason to get defensive and attack others who think this might be more layered than that.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


He has a MENTAL disease guy, there are no 'altered realities' outside of what he sees but all the other characters are real or none of the damn show would make any sense. Thats the problem with your 'theory'? Is Elliot now creating an entire FBI unit in his head that is acting against him too?

Its silly and ridiculous and if this theory was what the writers were doing they would destroy this show completely. Its just dumb on its head if you think about it for more than 5 minutes.


You need to read more, "girl".

Really? YOU want to talk about "stupid"?

And seriously, you get this worked up over a tv show?...dude...think about that.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Read what?? More idiotic theories on the internet? Yeah there are tons of stupid theories for shows all the time, very few of them works out for that reason.

I'm calling it like I'm seeing it guy, your theory is idiotic on its head. It would go beyond convoluted at this point. Your theory is none of its real but yet he now has multiple levels of delusions since Mr. Robot is not real in his own head but every one is not real either according to you so why is Mr. Robot more fake than the others? How does he imagine not being in jail if nothing around him is real anyway? He's not inventing characters he has never even met before like Dom. So according to you his psychosis is so deep he is now imagining things about other people he has no connections with?

Mr. Robot being fake makes total sense and keeps to the spirit of the show and character as its a very personal and deep connection with his dead father. Once you go down that bizarre rabbit hole you're suggesting the thing will start to feel like a farce.

Its ridiculous and convoluted and would create a mess of a story. Not that the story is not already a mess though.


Read. A. Book.

Start with Sybil. Her story is crazy but not any more convoluted than all of the crazy things that have happened in Mr. Robot.

And I'm not a "guy".

Just that fact alone, that you assume you know something that you don't, is evidence that you need to open your mind just a little bit.

For you to cling to this idea that everything you see is real is not logical when we've been shown time and again that prior events that appeared to have happened were all in Elliot's head. How many times does that have to happen before you start questioning what you see?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Oh I'm sorry is Mr. Robot based on a book? 

Ok, sorry for calling you a guy.

Your theories are still utterly ridicuolous. What the hell does Sybil have to do with this show????? Thats apples and oranges. She had multiple personalities, guess what she still lived in the real world. If you were saying THAT alone, I can buy. But your bizaree theory is that Elliot is apparently all these people?

Your theory is ludicrous on its head. No one is saying EVERYTHING is real but in your theory NOTHING is real and where it falls apart, badly. It would be a convoluted story line that made no sense.


And just one last thought. What if all these people dying, are just Elliot/Mr Robot's awareness of his own dying process, each death being a little part of him slipping away?

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


And another last thing. :)

It would make sense that some of the alters would be opposed to the plan. Just like Elliot is unhappy with the parts that are happening when he's not "awake". So the Dom alter could represent the part of his mind that wants to stop the entire thing. And she manifests as law enforcement. And it's quite possible that she's one of the alters that has no idea she's not the only one that exists, that the people she's investigating are actually all counterparts of her own psyche existing in Elliot/Robot's reality.

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. —Vincent Van Gogh


Jesus Christ! This is what you were getting at in that other post? If this happens, this show is done. And now I just look at everything you said as total nonsense.


Whiterose was saying they became who they were because of their parents murder. The last thing whiterose wants to do is reverse the hack. Leon was sent to stop them, whether it's to kill them or include them in the plans whiterose is going to attempt to stop them


I hope Mobley and Trenton become series regulars for season 3. I love these characters, especially her.


My impression is both of them were in the Witness Protection Program or at the very least laying low, working together at some dead end store and on their lunch break, and Leon showed up to kill them on behalf of Dark Army to silence them.


Why would they be witness protection if the FBI listed them as missing? Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.


Nah Mobley and Trenton went to live with Mobley's friend in Arizona. I thought the same thing about witness protection because of the earlier weird scene with that mysterious knock at the door with Mobley and Trenton. Wish the show writers would stop doing that if it is really not going anywhere. Maybe the show will come back to that in season three, why for the mysterious knocks at the front doors?

Let it be said—human beings are the most retarded organisms on earth.


My impression is both of them were in the Witness Protection Program or at the very least laying low, working together at some dead end store and on their lunch break, and Leon showed up to kill them on behalf of Dark Army to silence them.

I would hope Leon wasn't there to kill them. I have a feeling the DA have been aware of their location for a long time (they could have killed them at any time). It's a good possibly Mobley and Trenton are valuable to Whiterose, we will have to see in season 3. We have to remember the only killing the DA is directly responsible for is Cisco and we're not sure why they killed Cisco, so I'm hoping Mobley and Trenton are valuable to them being hackers.


fk those theories...that scene/framing/panning/music was a masterpiece. Im glad you posted this...totally missed it.


The whole of series 2 has been hard to understand, the writers keep changing the way we view things.
The ending was interesting. I don't think Elliot is dead, I think he imagined that Tyrell killed him. I do believe that Tyrell is alive and well and going ahead with stage 2 of the hack.
But then the post-credits scene with Mobley and Trenton and someone saying it can all be put back to how it should be, made me think of two possibilities: time travel or the Matrix.
It will be interesting to see how the writers will take this in series 3. Either Whiterose is aiming for time travel to reverse what happened in the past, and Elliot's dad does not die, or most of the characters are in some kind of computer simulation that Mobley and Trenton were running on a PC in the computer shop.
But then Joey turns up and asks the time. That must be very significant for something, maybe the time travel angle?
Either way, if it goes time travel or other heavy sci fi, it would be even better than it already has been.


But then the post-credits scene with Mobley and Trenton and someone saying it can all be put back to how it should be, made me think of two possibilities: time travel or the Matrix.

Why does it make you think anything like that? Do you take everything that literally? Mobley and Trenton talked about discovering the key with which the E-Corp financial databases have been encrypted. Knowing that key would allow them to decrypt the databases and restoring them to a state before the big E-Corp hack.

But then Joey turns up and asks the time. That must be very significant for something, maybe the time travel angle?

It signifies that Joey is with Whiterose and Whiterose really doesn't want Trenton and Mobley to reverse the encryption. So Joey is either gonna kill them or they will be taken into the fold and have some stuff explained to them.

Either way, if it goes time travel or other heavy sci fi, it would be even better than it already has been.

You already struggle with understanding the actual, non-fictional, science yet want the show to be more "heavy sci-fi", what? Are you sure you actually want science and not fantasy?

This board is a real mess, people complaining the show is too much like Lost even tho it's nothing like Lost and now people complain the show should be more like Lost, throwing in crappy supernatural stuff 3 seasons in and calling it "heavy sci fi".


You gotta feel for some of these people. They have come up with more ridiculous things in their head than Elliot has. 

Time travel, parallel universes, I'm sure someone out there thinks White Rose is an android, its all horse crap. People are over thinking this show. Especially after that weak finale that did nothing but cause a black out. But I guess to some people that's just code for the aliens to arrive or something.

I can't get why people see stuff in these shows that are not remotely there.


People are over thinking this show.

Indeed, but I think the writers wanted to happen that on purpose, a job well done on their part.

Especially after that weak finale that did nothing but cause a black out.

I liked the finale, it explained what phase 2 is supposed to be and I just love how Elliot basically turned into a IMDb poster going "Now I've got it all figured out, you are just another hallucination!" and gets a bullet to the gut for being wrong 😂

It's obvious the show plays with the viewers expectations and lines of thought, some people can handle that better than others.


I thought the finale sucked. The turn with Elliot and Tyrell was good I admit but so much of it was just filler. And to learn 'phase 2' is a Fight Club rip off. We didn't need to watch 12 episodes to just to learn they wanted to blow up a building. That shouldve been the actual goal in episode 1 of this season and see how they go about trying to do it instead of it being a mystery. Isn't it a 'duh' that if they are going to destroy the digital records then they have to get rid of the physical evidence as well? Why was that even a mystery?

Other stuff though, agreed, I think Esmail thinks he's too clever for his own good. Most people wanted to see a show about hackers trying to take down capitalism not a surreal episode of the week so he can feel cool. There is a reason ratings have dived. People don't want to see cool they want an actual story and its just tedious, especially after the finale. I wouldnt be shocked if the ratings fell even lower now.


We didn't need to watch 12 episodes to just to learn they wanted to blow up a building.

It's not about "blowing up a building", that's why these constant comparisons with Fight Club don't really work all the time. And sure we didn't "need" to watch 12 episodes to learn that, but Elliot had to go trough 12 episodes to figure it out. Sometimes it's not all about the destination, sometimes it also matters how you got there.

The way you make this sound you can basically boil anything down to "Why did we need more than 1 episode for any of that?". Lost "needed" 6 seasons to tell the story how a plane crashes and the passengers end up in heaven, the end. 😜

That shouldve been the actual goal in episode 1 of this season and see how they go about trying to do it instead of it being a mystery.

It had been one of the actual goals from the very first episode in the very first season, but Elliot wasn't aware of it because it was Mr Robot was the one who planned and organized it all.

Even the first season never had been about watching them "try", they always had an angle ready already, because there are usually several angles to approach a problem.

Isn't it a 'duh' that if they are going to destroy the digital records then they have to get rid of the physical evidence as well? Why was that even a mystery?

Whoever said it's a "duh"? Mr Robot already thought about that before, that's why that whole setup exists in the first place. Elliot didn't think about it because he doesn't consider himself the "mastermind" of the operation, that's been Mr Robot for him.

You frame this like a "recent" development, when for all we know this has been Mr Robots plan all along, heck he organized it together with the Dark Army, that didn't just happen in season 2 but way earlier.

Elliot just wasn't aware about any of it, that's why it was a "mystery" to him.
Mr Robot probably tried to go out of his way to prevent Elliot from figuring it out, because Elliot would not agree to killing innocent people.

Most people wanted to see a show about hackers trying to take down capitalism not a surreal episode of the week so he can feel cool.

Sorry but none of us two can speak for "most people". I enjoy the episodes that delve into Elliot's psyche, they are a very nice contrast to the matter of fact "on pointness" and realism the rest of the show has going on.

If you just want "awesome hacker stuff" then there's plenty of content like that, watch Defcon or CCC talks if you just want "cool hacker stuff" with no story or character development.

There is a reason ratings have dived.

That reason being that anything overhyped starts out with an inflated rating. Mr Robot didn't really explode until the end of season 1. Prior to that only very few people watched and cared about the show, but those that did loved it.

By the end of season 1 the show got so much hype going, all kinds of people started watching expecting another Breaking Bad or something similar "for everybody", but many of them ended up being utterly confused by the mixture of IT heavy content and the unreliable narrator.

Not everything is for everybody, Mr Robot hits a certain niche and people looking for that niche are still very content with the show. Case in point: The way they plan to execute phase 2 is once again eagerly foreboding for what's actually going on in reality.

Just a month ago a German ITsec group discovered malware infecting ICS and UPS system for the purpose of turning them into cryptominers:

There is no show or movie around coming even close to any of this in terms of realism and there won't be anything comparable for the forseeable future.


It's not about "blowing up a building", that's why these constant comparisons with Fight Club don't really work all the time. And sure we didn't "need" to watch 12 episodes to learn that, but Elliot had to go trough 12 episodes to figure it out. Sometimes it's not all about the destination, sometimes it also matters how you got there.

IE, it was a weak ending and it was about blowing up a building. Everyone in fsociety had to already thought about that so we didn't need to wait 12 episodes for someone just to say it.

The way you make this sound you can basically boil anything down to "Why did we need more than 1 episode for any of that?". Lost "needed" 6 seasons to tell the story how a plane crashes and the passengers end up in heaven, the end.

Not the same thing, but I never made it past season 3 of Lost because it spinned its wheels too much. Even then though its not like they knew what was going on. Thats the problem with Fsociety we have to somehow believe none of these people knew what was going on, but Elliot for strange reason only told Tyrell about it (Or Mr. Robot...convenient), who he thought he killed while the others were oddly left in the dark about it....over something that should've been part of the plan from day one.

It had been one of the actual goals from the very first episode in the very first season, but Elliot wasn't aware of it because it was Mr Robot was the one who planned and organized it all.

Even the first season never had been about watching them "try", they always had an angle ready already, because there are usually several angles to approach a problem.

If that's true then how come Elliot seems to be the only one that even knew about it? Wouldn't everyone else know? Why didn't he talk about it to everyone?

Sorry but none of us two can speak for "most people". I enjoy the episodes that delve into Elliot's psyche, they are a very nice contrast to the matter of fact "on pointness" and realism the rest of the show has going on.

If you just want "awesome hacker stuff" then there's plenty of content like that, watch Defcon or CCC talks if you just want "cool hacker stuff" with no story or character development.

Now you're getting silly guy. The first season actually HAD a story, one that didn't spin its wheels like season 2 did with a lot of fluffy filler to pretend like it was bringing out some grand revelation. Season 1 wasn't perfect either but it actually was about hackers doing stuff AND Elliot's 'psyche' at the same time. This one used his 'psyche' to fill out useless episodes for a season that should've gone 10 episodes tops. I don't need to watch 'Defcon', I would like to watch the first season of Mr. Robot when it had real plotlines, thats all.

That reason being that anything overhyped starts out with an inflated rating. Mr Robot didn't really explode until the end of season 1. Prior to that only very few people watched and cared about the show, but those that did loved it.

Whatever I don't see it going season 3 at this point if they keep dropping at this rate. Point is its more hype than actual substance in terms of actual interest....just like the show itself.


You gotta feel for some of these people. They have come up with more ridiculous things in their head than Elliot has.

Time travel, parallel universes, I'm sure someone out there thinks White Rose is an android, its all horse crap. People are over thinking this show. Especially after that weak finale that did nothing but cause a black out. But I guess to some people that's just code for the aliens to arrive or something.

I can't get why people see stuff in these shows that are not remotely there.

Reddit has some very interesting theories about Mr Robot and really stays grounded in the theorizing. If you're not already member I would recommend it.


Thanks for the replies, people.

Interesting takes on the subject...

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