Awful finale

Probably worse than the walking dead season 6 finale.


Not awful at all

Bad people protecting good people by killing worse people.


Not as awful but last night's finale is pretty bad. Basically we learn nothing. Everything could be not real.


TWD's finale was infinitely worst on every level.


except for Negan's introduction, I would agree I guess.


That was the worst part


Lets just call it a draw and say they were both just as bad. At least with TWD finale I wasn't bored out of my gord. At one point I was hoping Tyrell turn the gun on me. I just turned the channel instead.


Probably a Z Nation fan op doubt he knows what is terrible or good.


Going to jump in but Z Nation and Ash vs Evil dead are better then the walking dead series right now.


It wasn't bad at all and I hated this season. But to me it's the same old tricks and it's going to get people to stop caring. How many times can Elliott get kidnapped, jailed, or potentially killed before people give up caring? It's happened so many times now that it's hard to take seriously.

There's Leon. I guess that whole deal is a cliffhanger of "did he kill them or join up with them?"

I'm glad they focused on the characters they did for this episode.


There's Leon. I guess that whole deal is a cliffhanger of "did he kill them or join up with them?"

Trenton is talking about her plan to reverse the hack (and save E-Corp). Do you really think for a second that Leon is there to join them?

Athhajar ma yeroon.


Some people just can't handle superb storytelling. Hmm, too bad.



Yeah I expected better.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I enjoyed the finale. It's ironic, all I have read on the forum is where is Tyrell? We finally find out he is indeed alive and get the answers about Phase 2 and now I am seeing complaints about the finale. I guess everyone can't be satisfied.


Because 'phase 2' was lame and Tyrell did hardly anything once he showed up again. The writers basically let him disappear just to randomly show up to enact phase 2. Never explained where he was or what he was doing the whole time.


Not to mention phase 2 as they explained it was just phase 1 part 2. Destroying the physical bank records along with the digital doesn't exactly advance the plan further. It just came off as really lazy writing, like a college kid procrastinating on a term paper and eeking out an extra page at 2:00 AM.


Exactly! As much as people here go overy bizarre with the ridiculous theories from time travel to living in a Matrix at least their trying. This show basically wasted 12 episodes to tell us what we should've been told in the first episode of this season that they had to destroy the physical stuff because as you said its all part of the same damn plan end of the day, just in a different form.

And it proves the writers know they don't have anywhere more interesting to go. They blew their wad with the hack in season 1 and now it looks everything from this point on will just deal with the repercussions of that since thats all this season was and barely did a decent job of covering it with all the silly subplots they attached to the season. Who gives a damn about lame ass Joanna at this point? People only did because of her attachment to Tyrell and thought maybe there will be a connection by the finale but nope, we just watched her having sex with some loser and had this very deep 'mystery' of who was sending her crap. Complete snooze.

Esmail thinks he's making great TV when its just a thin story line and people doing double talk to make everything so mysterious and deep. In reality its just stretching thin plots for 12 episodes, nothing more.


I dunno man. This finale was like the final episode of the X Files. There just wasn't anything more there other than a sloppy effort to hold it together. The fact that the only interaction between Tyrell and Angela that I can remember is in the very first episode leads me to think that they are just making up the story on the fly episode by episode. People who think Esmail has the plot all methodically drawn out for the season beforehand are dreaming.


At least X Files went a long time and over 150 episodes before it started to wear out its welcome. This show is only in second season and it feels like there already just isn't much there.

The problem is Mr. Robot is a one premise show that is basically taking down E-corp. And they did that in the first season. Maybe next season they will figure out a way to expand the story line beyond them, give them a new enemy or something because if they could come up with after 12 episodes in season 2 was to blow up a building then season 3 already feels like a borefest.


The conversations this season took about 5 times longer than they should. It's like Sam shot the entire season and realized there was only 2 hours of footage that he needed to stretch across 12 episodes.

About 3/4 of the finale was way too long conversations between supporting characters that did nothing for the plot.

After watching the finale, I feel like I have been punk'd. I just feel bad that I didn't stop watching sooner.


Exactly! This season of Mr. Robot felt like a news program where you have the anchors presenting the content and the stage manager telling them to 'stretch' for more time to get to the commercial. This is what this season felt like that they were stretching for time in nearly every episode because so little happened in most of them. Every once in awhile something different or interesting would happen, but you sat through 40 minutes of tedium to get there.

I think it was a mistake of going from 10 to 12 episodes. It was clear that had a big effect too and while its just two more episodes, thats also 20% more content you have to add to an already bare story line.


I like the show. But when the fbi was talking to angela at her desk and she just stared at her was the dumbest thing I have seen in a long while.


I must say that I agree with some of this. I hated the dark-room interrogation of Angela at first and once I head the quote from Lolita, it was amazing and fun to analyze, but I really expected a LOT once Whiterose showed up. Her questions and statements were pretty boring, especially after all the build-up and mystery.

The phase 2 critiques are also valid, I think. Why was Tyrell removed for so long, only to show up and act as a keyboarder (remember how Elliot says he sucks at coding?), and then lamely shooting Elliot? He told Elliot before he disappeared that they would be "gods". Is that all we get?

I followed all the rules...and you followed none of them. And they all loved you more.


I thought it was bad until the additional scene after the end titles. And then it became great again. 



Next season would be US vs China. FBI would recruit Elliot just like Mobley. In the end it would be president fightback to Price.

Oh, and it seems Elliot along with Angela are kind of clons or artificial grown people on that factory.

Just my two cents to cover any outcome :)


Yeah I dont know what made the end scene 'great'. It just showed two of the doofuses hiding out working at a Fry's. And then Elliot ex prison buddy show up. I guess he's now going to be suddenly important too.

It would be interesting actually if Elliot and fsociety were all caught by the FBI and to get immunity they had to go undercover to take down the Dark Army who is planning something big.


it also was a stupid fry's, they should have done the one round my place :)

and your storyline suggestion sounds a lot better than this boring piece of *beep* and the whole not being in prison crap was pretty *beep* too. i mean i would of rather seen how eliot did all of this *beep* in jail, than the boring ass fantasy, and the payback from the reveal was like taking the pants off a hot chick and seeing a dick.


Gosh, guys, I am reading these comments now, and I am so happy that I was actually able to enjoy the show rather than pick it apart...

I guess he's now going to be suddenly important too.
My guess is he is Dark Army.
