Peter Quill deleted scene

Do you think there will be a deleted scene showing Peter visiting his mother's grave on Earth? Isn't this the first time he's been back?

Maybe we will see that scene at the beginning of Guardians 3


It would be nice to see, but unless it serves a purpose, I doubt we'll ever see it. He was only on earth for a little bit during the battle and Stark's funeral. At the very end of the movie him and the rest of the Guardians seem like they're about to leave.


He wore his Ravager uniform to an earth funeral - safe to say he doesn't have a lot of sentimentality about earth (and a lot more sentimentality for the Ravagers who raised him, Yondu especially)

It's probably partly why he said, "I'm not from earth, I'm from Missouri." The main reason, of course, is that he was disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing. It's just who he is.


Hmmmm.....didnt recognize the Ravenger uniform. Interesting...and indeed a sign of respect for them.

Still, Earth is one thing, his mother another. Plus how about some childhood nostalgia that everyone has: "that used to be the movie theater where I saw Footloose"


Another possibility: Quill does not WANT to remain on earth longer than absolutely necessary, having learned that “Footloose” is not given proper recognition as the greatest move ever made
