alternate ending..(steve)

Steve disappears ...

few seconds wait...

Then he reappears with black leather suit ScarJo..and WW2 era Peggy 'hi everyone'


Lols all around from all the other avengers


The story in my head for Steve. After returning the stones and hammer he goes back to 1945 and marries Peggy. They help form SHIELD together, she runs it with him as her chief agent. His knowledge of the future lets some events be avoided, like HYDRA reforming, Janet Pym being lost (Steve may not have known about it to avoid it, but he could have been on that mission with them changing the outcome), the Starks being assassinated. So pretty much by the time Steve is too old to carry on the Cap of that timeline is found and ready to carry on for him. When Peggy dies Steve comes back to his original timeline to retire and pass on his shield to Sam.

This is what I'm going with, too. This alternate timeline could present alternate changes:

- Hydra's infiltration rooted out early means no Winter Soldier and no SHIELD collapse in 2014. That would likely have changes on the events of Agents of SHIELD Season 1 & 2, since there would be no Hydra for Coulson's team to fight.

- Howard & Maria Stark not getting killed by Bucky means Civil War's climax does not happen at all.
