Hold up!!!!!

Where the hell did Thanos in IW get the ether stone. It was in Jane and then destroyed with Malakeith at the end of DW. In IW Thanos somehow has this supposedly destroyed ether


Rewatch The Dark World.


Maybe you didn' watch TDW post credit scene where the Aether is given to the collector by Sif


It is kind of hard to keep track of where all the Infinity Stones ended up unless you go on an MCU binge-marathon before watching Infinity War, or without looking it up online. Thanos collects them in this order:

Power stone - It was with the space police people from Guardians of the Galaxy. Thanos retrieved it (off screen) before IW begins

Space stone - Tesseract from The First Avenger. After Avengers 1 it winds up in Asgard, and Loki takes it after Thor: Ragnarok. Thanos takes it from Loki at the beginning of IW

Reality stone - In Knowhere, from the Collector, when he gives Peter Quill the chance to kill Gamora

Soul stone - In Vormir, the place with Red Skull where Thanos sacrificed Gamora

Time stone - Doctor Strange got it from the Ancient One. He gives it to Thanos in exchange for Tony Stark's life

Mind stone - Thanos gave it to Loki before Avengers 1, hidden in the scepter. The scepter falls into the hands of Hydra, then into the hands of Ultron, who places it in the new body that he builds for himself and which ultimately becomes Vision. Thanos gets it from Vision's forehead at the end of Infinity War and then he does the snap

Fucking Macguffins lol


Roflmao, reality stone was Aether? roflmao, i completely blanked out Thor Dark World from my memories.


Thanks ya'll I rewatched TDW and saw my goof there. But still how did the ether become a stone (which was then delivered to the collector)

The last we saw it it was in a million pieces as the huge ass space ship falls on that funky elf man.


There was a post credit scene with Sif delivering it to the Collector, which no one saw b/c no one gave a fuck LOL.


LOL, it was too long ago man.


I haven't seen The Dark World and never will, but Thor mentions the ether and that stone as soon as he starts briefing the Avengers on where to find the stones in Endgame... maybe he explains it better there? It even shows an animation of the ether on a screen behind him.


The aether is contained in some weird box. But he supposedly is able to convert the aether, which is fluid-like, into a solid. I don't think it's explained exactly how he does it. Maybe with the gauntlet
