MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Over 11 years of movies for you people t...

Over 11 years of movies for you people to sit here and complain

Endgame represents 11 years of the combined efforts of thousands upon thousands of people doing their jobs in a way that makes each of the 21 movies seem like a viable extension of the same universe. A universe that started on paper, decades before movie technology would have even approached being capable of making these films.

I have some complaints about the direction a few of the movies went, sure, but the incredible talent displayed here, the efforts made for cohesion and solidarity... have any of you stopped to consider what an incredible job these people have done for you to have reached this point? The thousands of hours spent discussing every tiny detail? The post production teams? The make up artists and prop designers? The sheer force of will these actors must have to train and work at this immensely difficult job for more than a decade of their lives?

And they aren't even done yet! There are plans for another what? Six movies? Do you even understand what a vast undertaking this has been, and continues to be? The MCU is the highest-grossing movie franchise of all-time. In the history of film.

There's a reason for that.

You people are so ungrateful and pedantic it's actually disgusting.

What have you done with your lives?
