MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > The gay community are upset they were n...

The gay community are upset they were not properly represented

Whts that about ? Why are they upset?


Are you sure its the gay community that are upset and not just a few people in a sea of other gay people who don't care?


Homosexuals are 1% of the population. What difference would it make? They've still got power over the 99%.


Of course we're upset!

They give us this great ongoing romance between Cap and Bucky over five or six films, and what do they pull out of the asses at the end? Cap goes to live in the past with some WOMAN, and totally ghosts Bucky!! It's so many kinds of wrong.



The "gay community" is not one single homogeneous group. If you are not actually providing a source for a particular example of an organized group complaining about the movie then you're just making a shit thread

I could see why some of them would be, though. The little gay cameo hardly rises above typical queer-baiting. Supposedly Kevin Feige will soon be announcing that one of the current heroes is actually gay. Pretty stupid to turn something like this into its own press statement, but it's probably to preempt any negative articles about the cameo from the media. If I had to guess, I'd say it'll be Loki or Bucky


What if several of the characters are gay but they don't go out of their way to mention it? Sexual preference is sooo important that it is mandatory for everyone to know. Freedom of speech mutated into compulsory knowledge. Who cares? Pretend that they are all gay if you like.

It seems that many cannot be a journalist, doctor, veteran, or man who happens to be gay. They have to be a gay journalist, gay doctor, gay veteran, or gay man. You're a man! Boink other men if you like to the limit of possibility. But surely your identity is more important than what turns you on.


They're not. Stop it.


Gaslighting fail.

No source and all the gay fans of it I know are just invested in the characters without a single fuq given to quotas of any group.


Google ,, you’ll find it


Google and you'll find most things. Insinuating an entire community is upset without providing anything of contextual evidence looks a lot like you're just trying to play people off against one another.


🤦🏻‍♂️ Ffs 🤣😂 . I’m not playing anyone against anyone . It seems your hurt over the matter


Not bothered, just suspicious.

But if you have no apparent agenda, and know what the whole ruckus is about to the point where you tell people to go Google for themselves, why even start the thread with the question "why are people upset"?


Because I can pose a question and get feedback ? Is that wrong 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Implying you already knew the answer and that anyone could "go Google it". Bit of a stretch.


How can I know the answer and opinion of the moviechat forum posters?🤣😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Most folks would offer some context when asking for an opinion, especially if they already knew said context, or could "go Google for it".

It reads like you pointed at a crowd, shouted "they're moaning for unspecific reasons!" and stood back to watch the fireworks.


Well look at you 🤣😂 mr scholar 👨‍🏫 of all 🤣😂 on how things should be said .


The method tends to work.


Thanks for doing this for me. Yeah, that's exactly what he was doing...we just had this same thread a few days ago, and while there's a couple articles out there (both op-ed pieces written by individuals), we were unable to find any evidence of an angry "gay community".
Divisive shit like this is just that...divisive shit, and the OP damn well knows it. Good job calling him/her out on it =]


If they are so upset, here's an idea - go and create your own damn characters and make them as flamboyantly gay as you want.
In all the time I've been watching the MCU, not a single character ever made a big deal about their sexual preference and who would have cared, as their sexual preference isn't pertinent to the story. Yet that's not good enough for people who want an over-the-top character to supposedly "represent" their worldview and values.
So since they aren't happy with anything, my advice is to go and create Rainbow Man or Rainbow Woman or Captain X-Y Chromosome or whatever name you want to give them and go gay all day! Damn... there's no pleasing such people.


Haven't heard anyone was upset. Which community in which city told you they were upset?
