How awesome was(spoilers)

Seeing Cap using Thor's hammer to beat the hell out of Thanos was one of the most epic moments in the movie!

Second only to the dusted walking out of those sling ring portals.


Agreed, I'd put that in one of the top 10 film moments of all time, myself. Just a great scene, built up by some foreshadowing in the prior movies...suddenly, f*ck yeah, Cap catches the hammer with the "yup that just happened" look and proceeds to pummel the hell out of Thanos with it. Just great stuff =D


Saying they looked poe-faced used to be an insult.

These movies are unwatchable, just a bunch of random garbage thrown up on screen.


YOU'RE just a bunch of random garbage...throwing up on the screen.


Sensational moment. That was the ultimate fan service (there’s no shortage of fan service in Endgame - but don’t kid yourself, it was all handled beautifully). To many fans this must’ve been the most epic moment in the entire film; I think my audience cheered the loudest at that scene than when the dusted started walking out of the portals (and people went nuts for the latter).

It was truly electrifying. No doubt this is gonna go down as one of the most iconic moments in CBM/blockbuster history.


it was great. one of many ....


It's definitely in the most epic moments in MCU history. The other moments being in the first movie when they assemble and when Thor enters Wakanda in Infinity War. Also Cap finally saying "Avengers...assemble" was perfection, glad they saved it for Endgame.


Your second moment was my favourite. I almost got a lump in my throat when I heard Sam speaking to Steve over the radio "on your left", followed by all the various dusted heroes, and some who hadn't been dusted like Okoye, M[Baku, Valkyrie and Wong, coming to the rescue.


Once that fight started I was really wondering if he wouldn't pick it up at some point. Holy shit what a moment


I genuinely started to wonder whether this was going to happen or not the second Thor got Mjolnir back. I mean knowing how for years many fans badly wanted to see Cap hold Mjolnir like in the comics, I just knew there was a good chance we were finally going to see this happen once Thor summoned his old hammer.

Man, it was magnificent.


I especially loved Thor’s reaction: “I knew it!”

So now we know he wasn’t worried, but rather encouraged when Steve budged Mjolnir in “Age of Ultron”

It also shows us how much Thor values and respects his teammates. The (As)Guardians or the Galaxy are lucky to have him.


Thor may respect his teammates, but I wonder if they value him.

Captain America can pick up his hammer. Captain Marvel is more powerful. Hulk can withstand the gamma radiation given off by the Infinity Stones. And practically all the other Avengers are smarter than him. And now he has a massive beer-gut and love handles, he doesn't even have his good looks to fall back on.


>Captain Marvel is more powerful.

I strongly disagree with that. He took on the direct force of a star. He essentially killed Thanos twice. Stormbreaker is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. He has gone toe to toe with the Hulk several times....


I actually really liked how they handled him - not so much the comic relief part but the notion that he was truly (and understandably) broken by everything that happened


That's why he gave up the hard life of ruling his people and went to swim with the little fish as a Guardian.



It contributed to the way the film turned Thor into a pretty pathetic and almost expendable character.

It's his stupidity that means the Avengers are unable to interrogate Thanos for the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones, and it's his lard-assed sentimentality that almost derails his and Rocket's mission to retrieve The Reality Stone.

Cap picking up Thor's hammer was another way of saying 'Thor, you're not needed here. Go back to your cheesy puffs and video games.'


Thanos had already told them what happened to the stones. There was no reason to keep him alive at that point.


He disposed of the Stones, but I doubt he was able to completely destroy them.

If they knew their whereabouts, the Stones could have been retrieved.


The movie flat out tells you that he used the stones to destroy the stones. There is nothing to suggest that Thanos was mistaken or that they could have scooped up some Infinity stone dust and fix them. They were gone!


Fine. I guess you're right.

Maybe I was just confused, because I assumed they were still searching for the remnants of Stones when we saw them five years later.

Still, Thor seemed kind of useless in this one. And chopping Thanos' head didn't really help anyone.


of course it didn't help. it did nothing.
it showed the powerlessness of their situation. they have no options, just empty revenge. hence him becoming the shell we find when we come back.
