On that planet Vormir

I guess Marvel ran out of character costumes. When Thanos landed on the planet Vormir, the character he met wore the same costume as the Red Skull in the first Captain America film. The Red Skull was killed on the plane. It was a different voice but the same exact costume. I know the movie was from 7 years ago or so but they should have used a different costume


I think that WAS Red Skull.


It was quite obviously the Red Skull.


Also, the Red Skull was never killed on the plane. He was transported somewhere in space via the Tesseract/Space Stone. We find out now that he was taken to Vormir.


Did you not follow the story or listen to the dialogue? Obviously that was the actual Red Skull. He was also in Avengers: Endgame.

The voice was different because he was no longer played by Hugo Weaving.


Excellent baiting


I noticed that too. Did you also notice that they recycled the wizard costume from Dr. Strange for the wizard in this film? I think they blew all their budget on Thanos and had to kind of fake it the rest of the way.


I can't believe they recycled Thor's haircut from Ragnarok. Musta ran out of hairdressers.
