Where did they all go?

As most of the snapees (?) have got movies to come. I am suggesting they were "beamed" to another place. The soul stone dimension?


With all the theories going around that Gamora is alive and that she is TRAPPED in the Soul Stone, no fan can really be sure. Internet theories are often proven to be wrong after all. But where did the rest of the Avengers and snap victims vanish to? IF they didn’t actually die, then the Soulworld dimension has to be the likeliest place they went to. I mean unless the next film completely changes things from the comics, then we can safely assume the souldworld pocket dimension might be seen in Avengers 4... along with all the heroes who disappeared.

Now if any of this does have merit, I predict Ant-Man and the quantum realm will be crucial come Avengers 4. If time travel is out of the question, then traveling to other dimensions could be the only way at bringing everybody back (depending on their fates, of course).


To make more spin off movies.
