2 Billion

This movie will hit 2 billion dollars, I guarantee it or the suit is on me.

yes thats 2 billion with a 2 and a B.

just remember that I predicted it first 6 days ago!

my calculations have finally gone through and I am right.

deep thought helped me though in making this glorious prediction.

I was inside the computer for 10 days! A truly remarkable experience.


Infinity War will make infinity dollars.


We have numbers for the first week now. I expect at least twice $900m total.

Domestic: $338,332,540 37.4%
Foreign: $566,700,000 62.6%
Worldwide: $905,032,540


UPDATE: Bubba correctly predicts 2 billion. Fantastic news!


I predict a Gorillion


Thats a lot of Gorillions.


You're absolutely turrible at mocking BillBrown7071. I'm going to have to grade you a C- for participation only.


Thanks, I gave it my best shot but I don't have the skill set of billbrown. At least I got a participation trophy.


Thanks, I gave it my best shot but I don't have the skill set of billbrown. At least I got a participation trophy.
I gave you a "Grade", which is definitely NOT a trophy. I know you are an attention seeker which is why you've bumped your own thread with a meaningless update (yes I am aware that I am participating in the Bump-age) but at least try and use a bit of humor, pathos, empathy or something when you say, "I gave it my best shot"!

Maybe a limmerick? How about a haiku, acrostic, cinquain or a sonnet?


I will take all of them.


me too



= Worldwide: $2,004,137,049


And it keeps going! Currently showing a $2,020,470,953 worldwide gross over on boxofficemojo.com.


Its pretty incredible actually. Looks like Marvel is doing things right. Now if we can just get that Marvel magic over at the Star Wars camp then I would be happy.




Do u think A4 will make as much? Or will it fall short. No doubt it will be a huge film, but there was a lot of hype. We hadn't seen the Avengers since Civil War. There was a build up


It will be a huge film thats for sure. The build up for this one has been going on for over 10 years so that definitely didn't hurt plus it was a great movie too. I am thinking Part 2 might hit 2 billion as well.


Correct again!


I'm giving it a 94% chance of being the first sequel to surpass $1.75B WW.

I'll say it has an 78% chance of clearing $2B WW.

On the flip-side, it has a 100% chance of clearing $1.5B WW.

*these %s are based on absolutely nothing other than off the top of my head


I like how billbrown has jumped on the 2 billion bandwagon again. I was the only person to correctly predict the BO numbers, some days my psychic abilities are at 100%.
