How can you hurt her?

Just got done with the movie. It's pretty good, I think. Better than I expected and now I regret not seeing it in the theater.

But not being familiar at all with the comics, I don't understand what her vulnerabilities are. She seems to not have any. She's like Superman, but without the kryptonite and on a galactic scale.

Is there any way to defeat her?


I think it would take powers such as Doctor Strange or Scarlet Witch have.

I have given this some thought before reading this. And I think this is going to be an issue that will make it difficult for them to come up with plausible enemies for future films for the character.

It was a good thing them writing in the fact that she is technically of multiple galaxies, not just Earth as she was born to. So yeah, she's not gonna be on hand for every single super hero/super villain toss-up that crops up.

I didn't read Captain Marvel comics, but I did read nearly every X-Men through the mid 90's. At one point she becomes a villain called Binary. A future film could possibly deal with that.


All true, except for the "villain" part. Carol has never been a villain. As Binary, she left earth and briefly joined up w/the Starjammers, but she's never been a baddie.

Her origin/path in the comics is radically different from the movies; don't really see them tying the two together. Not really any reason to. . .for one thing, it'd be too convoluted; for another, there are no X-Men involved in the MCU (at least to this point). And the X-Men are intrinsically tied in to her story, and the evolution of her character/powers, in the comics.


You're right. I had to go back and re-acquaint myself with the storyline.

Still, it could make for an interesting movie plot, if they don't make the same mistakes Fox made with Dark Phoenix. (shudder)


Would be awesome, but I don't see how they can, for reasons listed above. Probably why they gave the movie version a power set that includes some of Binary's abilities.


Harm those she cares for. It's kind of the weakness of every unbeatable superhero.


Tell her that her bum looks too big in that costume.


Her mind.

The Supreme Intelligence was able to dampen her powers by influencing her psychically until she regained her memories on Earth.

I agree that, physically, she is ridiculously overpowered, to the extent that she easily defeated her old mentor, his team of elite soldiers and drove the Kree armada away from Earth.


They changed things up from her original comics. When first gaining her Miss Marvel powers, it messed her up. Carol Danvers had no memory of being Miss Marvel and at inconvenient times would transform into her. Sometimes right in the middle of a fight with a supervillain, Miss Marvel would suddenly transform into Carol Danvers. Then get captured by said villain until she could transform again. Rogue (the X-Man who started ofg a villain in her first appearances) would later defeat Miss Marvel by absorbing a lot of her powers. But she also got Miss Marvel's personality stuck in her mind.


How can you hurt her?

remind her of her whiteness and show her a family photo

oh no, where is the diversity


Relax. She's no more unbeatable than Thor with his Stormbreaker. Even Hela might've been able to defeat her had she not been skewered by Surtur.


Bring up the wage gap (even though it's a myth)
