MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Thoughts from those who’ve seen it

Thoughts from those who’ve seen it

I watched this last night and enjoyed most of it. I did notice a few little feminist touches here and there, but found them to be considerably more subtle then what the last few stars have done. Despite being ambivalent about Brie Larson because of things she has said, I thought she did a decent job and looked the part. I saw a lot of people saying they were boycotting this movie on the basis of her comments, which is fine, but I get if I were to do that It’d hypocritical as I would still watch a movie with a Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein, or Mel Gibson who I’m still a big fan of. I did care for The origin story of Fury’s eye. It was equally as underwhelming as Han Solo’s name origin, underwhelming to the point I’d rather they both were kept a mystery. My only other real gripe is in a few of the action sequences they chose music that did not really fit with the moment. Other than that I enjoyed it.


In short, I was pleased with it. I had no major issues with it whatsoever. Fury’s eye? I could see why this would be underwhelming to some fans, but the more I think about it, the more I like this priceless and uneventful origin.

With that said, since you brought up a certain topic that certain oversensitive propagandists are never going to let go of, I’ll give you my two cents on it (beating a dead h). As if Brie’s call for representation is ANYWHERE near as unacceptable as what the monsters you mentioned did. WOW. But sure, for those of us that will pretend it’s not her call for equality that is upsetting us enough as it is, let’s shamelessly take what she said out of context and call her a bigot and another SJW calling for white genocide! (Projection.)

Now, I guess I see what you’re trying to say. But a large number of these people that, like you, were so personally offended by Brie’s comments and views in general (being a decent human being who is all for inclusion) and are legimately attempting to smear her, think she is just as bad, if not WORSE as these actual pos people you mentioned for simply stating facts about underepresentation (obviously, lots of these Brie critics LOVE guys like Mel Gibson and wish there more actors like him in Hollywood to preach what they want to hear). Unbelievable.

As for the “evil” feminism, to me it did feel for more subtle than what all the paranoid trollers are claiming... but it was definitely there and I applaud it! Man, such an insult to Marvel’s long time progressive values! ;) But it’s funny, all this faux outrage and silly boycotting was further proof that everyone trolling boards like this are nothing more than a loud but small minority (the real audiences have spoken).


I felt the same way. I actually loved the movie and I went in with no expectations. I knew about the comments and the hype and just decided to roll with it. It was a whole lot of fun, and Brie was really quite good in it. Just another solid Marvel movie and the Skrull twist I didn't see coming, nor the post-credits scene.


I was disappointed over all. I too felt that the feminism angle was subtle and it didn't seem out of place so the big terror fueling the boycott was unfounded. The film started with some good action sequences and a few cool performances. Brie made me relax as she delivered cool confidence and affable personality in the early part of the movie. But eventually she worsened into what turned out to be a bad Cpt Marvel. By the end of the movie I considered her to be the wrong choice. The strong woman thread was fine. Its delivery system was not.
Fury was nothing more than comic relief. I am disappointed with their treatment of the character. Goose too. I expected to love Goose but even he turned out a bit weak.
My biggest complaint is what they did to the Skrulls. Skrulls are a fantastic villain race for the MCU. Skrulls are rich in possibility and they could have launched the next big story arc with their invasion. But nope. They threw away all of that potential to cast their vote in current events political allegory. The sacharine reuniting of Skrull children with their dreamer parents was so cringey that it ejected my mind from the fantasy world on the screen. What did they do to my Skrulls?!? Such a crime. I did really enjoy the Skrull performances though. They were the only "hits" in the effort toward comedy.

Lots of little things in addition to these major complaints messed up this movie. Too bad. Semi-strong start. 4/10



Frankly the way they did Fury's eye was dumb. In the original comics he got his eye injured in battle during a war. Having an alien cat scratch his eye out was dumb. I did like the movie. Though another minor problem I have is I feel like the Kree she works with turning out to be bad is supposed to be a plot twist. But I had already seen Guardians of the Galaxy where they are portrayed as being evil so I knew they were going to be bad in the end. I didn't mind the Skrulls being sympathetic. I actually read a Silver Surfer comic from the late 80s a while back where they actually were portrayed sympathetically.

I do agree with some people that Bri Larsen's performance was a little meh since most of the time she didn't show much emotion. In fact, most of the time, she was almost as emotionless as the Terminator in Terminator 1.


The story behind Fury losing his eye was dumb and I wonder if they'll retcon it in the future the same way they did The Mandarin.

Compared to the last handful of great MCU films, it was a let down. On its own, it's an okay movie. Nothing great but not nearly worth all the hoopla surrounding it.


I saw it on Thursday night and found it to be much better than I expected. I was a little worried they'd try to shoehorn in messages of feminism and social justice, a la Wonder Woman or Jessica Jones, but to my pleasant surprise there was nothing remotely message-y about it. You could have swapped Brie Larson and Jude Law's roles and not a single thing would needed to have been changed. It was a straight-up awesome superhero flick with perfect pacing, lots of humor, and a couple great twists you didn't see coming. While I don't think it's among the very best of the MCU films, it's solidly ensconced in the second tier, and I think it has a lot more watch-it-again qualities than some others.


I liked the eye thing it was funny and added a layer of depth to his character, in that he is way too friendly with cats. People just need to lighten up tbh. They're comic book movies, I follow the canon as much as anyone else and have no problem with stuff like this.
