MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Small movies depend on sites like RT to ...

Small movies depend on sites like RT to generate buzz

Congratulations liberals. You took it away, to protect giant garbage movies.


Or .....bitter incel fanboys ruined it by trying to sabotage a movie instead of just not going to see something they didn't want to see.

Maybe, just maybe, trying to force your point of view on others the GOP way is not the way to go.


Who tried to sabotage the movie. Those pesky racist, sexist, misogynistic white males that are stalking every female led movie, is that who? You do realise that the Rotten Tomatoes part that was removed was basically a poll that showed who was interested and not interested in seeing said movie. You could leave a comment but absolutely no reviews by audience or critic could be left before the movie was released. So i ask again who was sabotaging this movie, the answer is no one except Brie larsson. The comments that were left on Rotten Tomatoes were nothing more than people stating they didnt want to see the movie, watch 2 videos by nerdrotic who posted this and read them all off, not one single comment was mysogynistic, racist or sexist. You can not be interested to see a movie and still not be sexist towards the female lead, you do realise thats possible right but unfortunatly that doesn't create clicks so the media and idiots like yourself have to keep pushing the narrative of those awful man babies who hate woman, it's disgusting and neads to stop. If you can attack white males for everything then anyone is fair game and that includes woman. How come other female lead movies that didn't push an agenda were attacked, hmm, no one complained about Wonder Woman, no one is complaining about Alita Battle Angel. Why, because they didn't push a feminist anti male agenda and for that those same sexist fans you and everyone is attacking went and enjoyed a fun film. So how can they like those female lead movies but then are sexist towards Captain Marvel, the answer is they are not, they are just not interested in seeing it, end of story. it is people like you and the media that keep perpetuating this idea of toxic male fans, you are what the problem is.


Amen buddy


The user "reviews" were largely "not interested" a few days ago, but it looks like mods removed most of them.


Yes, virgins in their mom's basement have all the power. Not Hollywood moguls.

How silly of me.


Trump and his corrupt negotiations with Netanyahu did it.


Thats not how buzz works. Buzz for a small movie isn't generated before its release. This is pre-release stuff we're talking about.
