MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > BOYCOTT CAPTAIN MARVEL!!!


I went to check on this actress and all I've been seeing is her as an egotistical feminist talentless hack. I mean she got mad that some asked for her number, puts doen white men (btw I'm hispanic), and takes a disrespectful selfie when talking about stan lee passing away. I for one am sick of all this feminist trash being shoved down everyones throats. Boycott this marvel movie if you're really a man.




There is a cure for that! Damnit! Doesn't work on boys!




lol get a life. Better yet, learn to understand the world around you. Read some books. Do something other than rant online about a movie you haven't even seen.

I'm "really a man," and I've already got 2 tickets to see it on Thursday, March 7th. Make that your target date for becoming a real man yourself, and maybe I'll see you there!


No, this post has made me go out and support Captain Marvel even more, I shall watch again and again, good day to you Sir


I don’t agree with everything Brie Larson says, but those things aren’t considered bad enough to not see her movie.


Although radical feminism is an issue today, she's there for my entertainment only, I don't care about her politics or what she does behind the scenes. Gonna watch this movie and find out how she can help the Avengers in Endgame.


Is this the juvenile male version of Lysistrata?

Boys are going to withhold their considerable sexual privileges from their significant [spoiler]***********[/spoiler] until??? What's the ENDGAME for this BOYCOTT?

Should Girls, Women, LGBTQ not participate in the BOYCOTT?

GIRLCOTT, WOMENCOTT, LGBTQCOTT? Remember, always annunciate clearly and be careful how you say those compound words as there can be serious double entendre meanings and implications.

Please be safe out there you BOYCOTTers and practice safe BOYCOTTING at all times!


Now, What happens to the WJWs when their SJW girlfriends decline any offers of sexual privileges? Do they understand "NO means NO"? its a stone cold hard fact that a lot of boys will be home alone! you raise some serious questions!




[–] tr1p1ea (835) 2 hours ago
Quite novel. But does that mean that people who are called Soy are being Soy-cotted or are they not supposed to go see captain Marvel?
Going to have to help us out here.

Will that term *Stick* and are you thinking of Trademarking that? Capitalism demands it's pound of flesh. Act now operators are standing by.

But what about Soy Sauce, Soy beans, Soy Milk, Soy Farmers (by the way they are getting POUNDED by trade tariffs with China and the American taxpayer is having to bail them and their farms out. Is that Socialism, Communism, Soy-ism) Soy oil, Soy flour, Soy Yogurt...…..


Be careful how much you consume - reportedly it can make you go crazy on the forums.


I was going to mention that. A soycott definitely sounds like a bunch of soyboys choosing to boycott something.


I'm surprised they chose her. She comes across as stagnant and unlikeable, even on film. Yeah, she's hot, but her SJW bullshit makes her less appealing for sure.


She comes across very likeable! It might be because she is not simpering! She is hot! And the fact that she is not a fucking WJW is probably attracting more men than boys!


Ok weirdo who only posts on this board. Whatever floats your boat.


OK strange man who forgets that I post on YouTube Facebook and Twitter! LOL


She comes across exactly the way certain factions of the media want her to.

Bottom line is you can't judge a person based on their public can you dislike/hate an actor when you don't actually know them and have never met them?

Most of the reports of what they do or say are highly exaggerated and skewed to form an attention grabbing headline, and the internet geeks take that and run with it. And the moronic, unquestioning element lap it up and crucially.. accept what's put in front of them without question.


She's no more SJW than Chris Evans.


So why the hate?


Because she said the words "white men" which anti-feminists translate as "castrate all white men."


The funny thing is she never said "White Men". She actually said:

I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk she didn't allow her target to be worthy of a specific gender station. She disparaged them by calling them "Dudes". That was just too funny to me.

Guys and Gals
Dude and Chick???
Dude and Dudette????

None of the anti-feminist outrage even focused on that, as a result I already knew by then that it was manufactured outrage as none of the White Angry Bro(s) even bothered to read the entire quote. Not sure if they would have understood what she said anyway.


True. I'm still not sold on this thing hitting a billion but what I can say for sure is the boycott - if you can call it that - has failed.


If CM hits a billion or not is not relevant as the narrative has already been predetermined by those who now dislike Brie Larson, Disney and Marvel because of......."Reasons'.

If it hits a Billion they will claim it should have been a $Billion plus but wasn't because they affected the outcome.

It if hits a $Billion it was unearned because it is a Marvel film and Marvel sheep support Marvel blindly.

If it hits a $Billion society is falling apart and crappy movies all make a lot of money now days.

If it hits a Billion Disney bought the tickets and the media is in cahoots with the SJWs.

If it hits a Billion.....fill in the blanks....

While the controversy doesn't help or hurt the box office for CM the controversy does change the conversation in the short term and the long term for Disney and Marvel. Marketing, Branding and Expectation are important to sustain a franchise and audiences eventually are swayed one way or the other. Just look towards Warner/DC and their media and product offerings as a close example.

I never believed CM would reach the Billion dollar level just because it was a personal movie of self-discovery and not a traditional Action-Based Superhero movie.

I think it will get very close though.

Regardless of the box office amount the detractors will proclaim VICTORY!!


Oh, Tell me something! The Anti Feminist Racist: do they understand why POC hated “ Green Book? Or are they tone deaf that way!
