Should've known...

I really should have known this was an Asylum flick...

Hasn't anyone put them out of business or burned down their studios yet?

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?


A lot of these Asylum movies are awful,but I am not gonna lie I do enjoy a few of them like the Sharknado movies

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


Asylum doesn't spend 100's of million to make a movie, so they won't be going out of business.


How did you not know by the title alone?


Well, the timing threw me, "Witch Hunters" was two years ago, and Asylum usually tosses it's mockbuster version of a movie out around the same time as the movie it's ripping off. Also, two years is long enough for this to conceivably be a sequel, especially since the naming conventions for movies have changed a lot in the last 10-20 years; no more "2", "3", etc.

I mean, just look at the "Fast and Furious" franchise

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?


"B" movies are not supposed to be taken seriously. Let us not confuse independent productions with "B" movies. "B" movies are not just independent productions on low budgets. "B" movies are, by definition, movies which make light of the serious movies, even when they seem to be seriously presented. Think of the old sci-fi classics such as "The Blob" and "The Day of the Triffids." Believability and technical accuracy are out the window. Do not expect rational explanations for what takes place, only dialogues detailing what passes for explanations while moving on to more important things in the story. "B" movies are for people who like camp, vamp and satire as well as silly nonsense presented in a spooky kind of way. Campfire stories.


I wish that there was a like button for your explanation. There are way to many people out there that need to learn this.


To be fair, that's the definition now. Back in the day, the makers of The Blob (for example) weren't deliberately making a B-movie. They (probably) knew they were making a low quality movie, but they were still trying to make a real movie, not a spoof.

I think one of the first real deliberate B-movies is "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes".

If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
