He had it all.

He was a great actor, women loved him, he was admired by most and he changed acting for the better. He almost seen as a god it seems.


He said he was very uncomfortable with the fame, though. It looked as though it made him just outright mad. Perhaps he felt unworthy? Afraid to disappoint?


Or maybe people just crowd you and they're annoying? I don't think it's some kind of inferiority complex with most stars, just weariness at pests.


actors are big kids and i think for the great actors at some point they learn to "grow up" i think for brando being the smart guy he was as well as being as aware as he was was .Grew up for a truly great artist at some point they would have to evolve at some point and thats what he did .Nothing lasts for ever and he evolved into and adult and learned to see the world for what it truly was . That is why he acted out i feel toward the latter half of his career .This is why he turned on hollywood because he knew the score hollywood is a dream machine for infantile minds and he matured .Thats why toward the end he looked at acting more as a job and became more technical in his technique .Still hands down one of the greatest actors of all time he earned his position and status .

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.
