20 Episodes

I never expected them to have 20 episodes this soon, loved the first season tho. But are they really focusing on the second book? I wouldn't mind some stuff from book 1 & 3. But i would love them to just keep it to book 2 for a whole season, like really focusing on the second book and have some parts of book 1 & 3 that really fit.


At comic con they stated they will be taking some bits from books 1 to 3 much like they did in season 1 but the main focus of the plot will be the outline of book 2. I'm glad as they seemed to be burning through the plots way too quickly. They said the plan for season 2 is to slow the story down a little and focus more on delving into the world and developing the characters as individuals as well as more deeply exploring their relationships. I think that sounds great as though I loved season 1 the relationships were really rushed. Like why the hell does Jace even like clary just because she's hot was all I got from their interactions they definetly need to expand on the relationships more so I'm glad that's a focus. More focus on exploring the shadowhunters world is something I'm also looking forward to.

I have a feeling season 2 will be awesome I can't wait for another two and a bit months.


Three fourths of Book 2 happened on the boat...that's okay, because a lot happened..The Seelie Queen and court is supposed to happen also..."the kiss"?


I think 20 episodes could work if the stories are done right.


I know but as stated they are only loosely following the plot lines of the books just like in season one. They will change lots of events and things that happened on the boat may happen elsewhere. As well as new things happening that are not in the plot for book 2 like malec's first date and exploring their relationship which the books never actually showed, Simon already being a vampire they will be further exploring his story and apparently he will move in with magnus as Magnus teaches him how to use his vampire powers, joycelyn already being awake will lead to lots of conflict for clary and add to the valentine plot, Alec already out of the closet and starting a relationship with a downworlder will lead to issues with the clave as well as Alec's family, the flashbacks to Alec and jace's past and bond as parabatai will also be explored, magnus story as being a leader and father figure type to downworlders, izzy going on a dark journey, whatever happens with lydia who was not in the books but will be in episode 1. All these things they have stated will be explored in season two as a result of the natural progression of the story from season one. So it won't simply be everyone on a boat as the plot for most of book two was. They have created their own stories which will propel much of season two while incorporating little bits from the books just like they did in season 1.


For me as long as they use the second book as the main story i'll love it. Well if they do it right. I have no problem with them doing all different, but as long as the main story is from book 2 i'll like it. I can't see them doing exactly the same as the book. Because it wouldn't just get boring, but it would be predicatble. I like how they take small parts of other books and also create their own.


Agreed and from what I've heard from comic con that is what they are doing. Similar to season one where they followed the main story but just added their own bits to it and changed it up a little but still got through all the major plot points of the first book like hodge as a traitor, joyclyn in valentines grip, clary and Jace as siblings reveal, Jace as Valentines presumed son reveal and Jace ending up with valentine at the end. They incorporated all the major plots of the books they just altered the journey of how they got to the end point of book 1 and created new stuff which I think is great. I think they will do the same with season two. They stated that Jace will have his dark path and issues from the book and that the Seelie court will factor into the story plus if you saw the trailer you know that at least the beginning of the season will focus on the boat story from the books. So I wouldn't worry I think it will be awesome fingers crossed ;) The new guys in charge seem much better than the last one.


I assume it'll also feature Clary finding out she can create runes and the whole Inquisitor business. I just hope they won't put too much focus on the triangle, although seeing how it is on Freeform I expect they will.



They've got 20 episodes to try and improve the show. I thought the acting and story pacing was HORRIBLE for the first season. Let's hope the new showrunner has a clearer vision and that the actors have invested more in their characters.

Although, I still believe the lead actress will remain terrible.

Don't come for me unless I send for you.


Alisha Wainwright who is playing Maia confirmed on youtube that season 2 will be split up into 2A and 2B. Alisha said she's only read book 2 so it seems book 2 will be the focus of season 2 but I'm sure they will integrate aspects from book 3 into it too. I'm pretty sure most of book 1 has already been covered. So yeah, book 2 will be the focus, and I'm happy with it being that way. I'd rather leave book 3 (IMO one of the best books of the series) for season 3 (which hopefully there will be one).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BY8LKo1XGU
