Clare's involvement

To what extent is CC involved in the show? Heard conflicting things that she isn't involved at all or that she is and consults with the writers etc. Which is true?


Both. For season 1, she wasn't very involved, but the new showrunners this year are consulting with her; she agreed to kill off Jocelyn. I don't know if that's permanent, or they plan to bring her back when Clary encounters Raziel, which if I had to guess, would be, at the *very* earliest, S2's finale.


On the way, I saw five hours of sleep - but your fire makes it all worth while.


Do you mean Raziel might bring her back instead of Jace? I hope not, I really want to see the Jace/Sebastian/Valentine showdown.



Maybe. That wouldn't mean we won't have the confrontation - just one part of it won't happen.


Ok thanks!

So that would explain why things weren't as faithful to the books in Season 1 but now, aside from Jocelyn's death, they are more in Season 2?

I heard CC wasn't a fan of Season 1 so maybe that's why she agreed to get involved? To preserve her storylines etc?


Yep. I think the new showrunners are the ones that contacted her. When someone buys rights to an adaption, it's generally up to them if/how much contact with the author they'd like.


Well according to CC herself on twitter she's not involved at all. In fact she stated just recently that she has no idea what is going to happen and is suprised when she watches episodes. She also stated she wasn't happy about Jocelyn's death but understood why they did it given the shows changes. So i'd say she not involved at all thank god. She occasionally came onto set in season 1 but that's about it. She just like to use the show to try to keep herself and her mediocre writing relevant. Praises the show then acts like an underhanded b!tch and hates on the show. She's nothing but an irrelevant, talentless tosser with no involvement whatsoever despite people's headcanons and fanfictions of her involvement.
