MovieChat Forums > Wiener-Dog (2016) Discussion > Wonderful, heartwarming fun for the whol...

Wonderful, heartwarming fun for the whole family!

If parents mistreat their children the way the dog is mistreated in this movie.

It's supposedly a comedy, but the closest thing to amusing was April's line, "I always wanted a leash!"

Understanding the unrelentingly depressing, unfunniness was intentional doesn't make it less so.

What if? - People stopped seeing Todd Solondz's piss-poor, twisted movies altogether?

Then what? - He'd have to make better movies or get another job.

Absolutely no redeeming quality whatsoever IMO. My day is worse for having watched this cinematic diarrhea.




This kind of response is why we don't mind seeing people killed in movies.


you starting this stupid thread is why i wouldn't mind seeing you killed in a movie. what if you just don't watch his film  no one cares about your dumb ass opinion.  then you would not have to come here and 😢


Gee whiz, you really don't have to try so hard to hurt my 'widdle feewings'. Being an ass-whole must come naturally to you. Have a nice day, prick.


its weawwy does, and I'm weawwy gweat at it. fhanks! and it nighhtynite time wherew i am so, nightynite. jerk off


 Very funny.

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid".-Roxie Hart
PROFILE PICTURE: Courtney Thorne-Smith,1992.
Magic=Sarah Silverman
Amanda Bynes is Hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
