Granola bars

Let's be serious. Feeding one bite of a granola bar, or even a dozen whole granola bars, to any dog would not cause that much oobleck.

Am I wrong? If you own a dog, I challenge you to try it at home, at your own risk. I will not replace your rug (even though it really ties the room together) if things go badly. Please post the results. Thank you.


Yes, you are right, granola bars would not cause diarrhea. In fact, granola bars are safe for dogs to eat.

However, if any viewer was watching carefully, the granola bar that Wiener-Dog ate had chocolate in it. That was the reason that he got diarrhea, as it is one of the symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs.

So, yes, from a certain point of view, the granola bar was the reason for the diarrhea, but not for the reason the parents believed it was.

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Fair enough, but we are talking about the volume of doody expelled (enough to cover a slow pan with Debussy's Claire de lune on the soundtrack). I yield the point that chocolate will cause diarrhea in canines - but that's a lot of Hershey for one wiener-dog.


the volume of feces was inflated for laughs (i.g. the traffic jam in 'le weekend') in order to maximize the misery of those terribly negligent parents.
i would hope any reasonable dog person would immediately take the animal to a vet much sooner.


Most granola bars contain grapes and therefore not suitable for dogs


The small amount of chocolate in the tiny piece he gave the dog wouldn't get it sick...the dog would have to consume much more...


While my dachshund didn't eat any chocolate, he got into something that did produce that volume of diarrhea. When I got home from work, there was a huge mess in my laundry room. Then the bloody diarrhea started. While waiting for the vet to come in, my dog was pooping straight blood.

It like looked like a crime scene by time I left. My dachshund had an issues with his intestines. I am happy to say, he recovered nicely from it.
