Ryan Allan (Gord)

Can't find on his iMDB profile how old he is, but it's hard to believe in the show that he is only 21. He looks A LOT older than that


He's 23.



His public age is false.

Ryan plays the character "Uncle Roy" in Get Rich or Die Tryin'. The movie was released 11 years ago. That would have made him 12 when it was filmed. If you have ever seen it, there is simply no way he was that age in 2005.

I know firsthand how terribly age works against an individual in this industry. It is understandable that he would attempt to conceal it. That said, unfortunately (in Ryan's case), credits exist. And they prove he is much older than 23.



Yep, most actresses and actors like about their age. Some can get away with it as they look a bit younger but some can't and he's one of them.


