MovieChat Forums > Between (2015) Discussion > Samantha/ Abigail Winter ... Wow.

Samantha/ Abigail Winter ... Wow.

She's... one of the worst actors I've ever seen outside of parody or school project films. She delivers her lines like they are holding queue cards and she forgot her glasses. I could paint a face on my ass and it would do a better acting job than her.

How could anyone seriously let that go. I mean, any director not completely passed out on oxy would be like:

"Seriously? CUT!!"
"Cut cut cut!!!"
"Cut. Okay, someone get her the f@#k off my set. Bring my anyone off the street, it'll be an improvement. I don't even car if they speak English, it'll still be an improvement."

I just kind of sat dumbfounded during Ep. 5 when her and Rich Boy were outside his house.

"Hii.ii..." she says with the expression and tone of a lobotomy patient.


"Are you... okay?" she seems uncertain whether her brain and mouth are actually in sync.

"Yeah, yeah. You know, you're the last person I expected to see."

"Yeah..." and then she seems to momentarily lapse into partial dementia with a somewhat crazy fake smile and a slow "woooow, man.., collooooooorsss" kind of head bob "I... uh... I wanted to explain to you that..." again, struggling, where am I, who am I, why do I only have 2 functioning brain cells... "when I finally got Harrison to tell me exactly what happened," in a boring dips.hit monotone and then a diarrhea of the mouth monotone, no inflection, just an emotionless spurt of words "I figured things weren't as black and white as they seemed and I can tell that things went downhill pretty quickly." Her eyebrows seem to be doing their best to go anywhere else, and for that they have my sympathy. They are the only thing on her face acting anything close to natural and it's telling that she seems unaware of it...

He sighs.

"I.. I.. don't know..." what I'm doing, her drooping cow-intelligence eyes seem to say, "

It just goes on and on and she's.. just... the worst... it's painful to watch.

"You.. passed.. the.. test.." Is she a zombie or something?

---- sig ---------
I'm neither a Liberal nor a Conservative... I think for myself.


I am not even sure which one this is there is some terrible acting in this, was a random late night watch, they all seemed to go to the same acting school


Just re watched this scene. u got it SPOT ON!! Why does she ... Speak .... So .... Slowly ...


I'm about 80% sure she has some sort of speech impediment in real life. If thats the case then props to the casting director/s for giving someone like that a chance to actually make it on the big screen. Though I could be entirely wrong and your not a bunch of judgemental *beep*


Perhaps you're right, which is why they decided to put a bullet through her head.


Everything about her reminded me of Thea on Arrow, especially the earlier seasons.


Yep. Rich Boy's "special sister" had more range than this chick


Yessssss!!! She sounds like her jaw is wired shut. Aaarrrggghhh!!! And, she has the delivery of a flat tennis ball. Without the passion.

Wonder whose, er, *niece* she is ...
