Racist movie name

The name of this movie is so racist.


It's generic and unimaginative for sure. I'd suggest:

Crackwhore Khaleesi
Turd World: Amerikwa
College Needs Much Higher Admission Standards


Your answer is so damn perfect!

You So Ugly, You Look Like You Got Superpowers...




How is it racist? I'm white. I don't care nor see any offense to be taken. I wish people would stop with the PC bs. You make things issues that really aren't. Do you ever hear people in real life saying "...Oh yeah, you know Kelly, that European Caucasian person of the female cis gender heterosexual persuasion you meet last Friday at that party?..." Yeah, no. Get over yourself. Sincerely, A WHITE WOMAN. xoxo


RiseyRisa I agree 100%. All this PC stuff is old and out of hand. So what. Not everyone HAS to be the same as everyone else. People take offense at everything just to get attention and to feel like they're apart of something. The time of everyone being PC is over. Let people be people already!


stop encouraging the retard by commenting on his/hers retarded retard sounds



You So Ugly, You Look Like You Got Superpowers...


Its not PC to be against racism against whites you muppets. Have you ever seen a president or a public figure or any mainstream newspaper condemn racism against whites? Make one example or shut the *beep* up, its you that are PC selfhating cucks.


In case your PC pathetic self didn't know, "White Girl" is one of many street names for the drug, Cocaine.
PC problem solved.



If you had watched the movie, the theme of white girl has more than one meaning. ^^^

The title is not racist. You didn't watch the movie to make real judgement here, I can tell. Spit your fire somewhere else. This is was a realistic good movie! Maybe even too real...


I felt the title was a lil awkward, but it is actually quite clever how its used (dual meaning). "White Girl" is street terminology/slang for cocaine, which is prevalent throughout this film.


Hardly hear of this one, this certainly wasn't one of the big ones out back then..

