The cinematography

I didn't care for the movie too much, but I did enjoy the stills of the NYC skyline in B&W.


The movie got points with me for just being different. It seems the only horror movies we get nowadays are exorcisms and zombies, what's wrong with a dose of insanity every once in a while? The black and white shots of New York City were amazing. I think this is all-in-all a pretty underrated movie. If only Repulsion would have gotten some credit as it pretty obviously deserved some.


I am a huge fan of the Genre, and while I understand the gripes of people calling this a ripoff of 'Repulsion' and 'The Tenant'(Basically the Apartment Trilogy), the fact of the matter is, I'm happy when a film just manages to build atmosphere. This was creepy. I'm OK with that. So much Horror is built around Gore and Violence and I'm sick of it. To get something different that is crafty enough to keep my attention is a breath of fresh air. It seems the films I love recently in the genre 'The Witch', 'It Follows', 'Spring', 'Evolution' to name a few, are all bashed by large groups of fans. Even 'I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In This House' was IMO, OUTSTANDING... All due to Oz Perkins understanding of suspense and especially ATMOSPHERE. He uses dark hallways like a master. While this film is far less traditional, it still has it roots in the films I love. These are miniscule films. A step above Student Film and they're successful! I do may part. I watch ever film with promise and I spread the word. My friends love waiting on my recommendations every week. I've turned them into die hards. Keep them coming!




... even more so when you realize that for the most part you're seeing the skyline of 50 years ago. I don't know if they cleverly shot only angles that left out modern buildings - but how could you do that in Midtown Manhattan? - or used some very good editing tools to take out modern buildings, or found really good stock footage, or are CGI geniuses or what, but those cityscapes were beautifully done to recreate the look of NY ca. 1968.


Yes, I agree.
