Pompous rubbish. But to each his own.

Harry Potter and it's derivatives is just not for me. Could not watch more than three movies, could not read more than one book.


I don’t think you’ve ever read more than one book


I think you can read.


I absolutely love the Harry Potter books, and I'm well-educated middle-aged cynic!

I don't like the "Fantastic Beasts" movies much so far, and am losing hope that I will like any future ones.


Nothing wrong with that. Don't forget hat the Hobbit movies are horrible too, while the Lord of the Right movies are fantastic.


I don't insist that you like "Harry Potter", and damn you're right about the Tolkien movies.

The only bright spot about those godawful "Hobbit" movies is that Hollywood is remaking popular stuff VERY frequently, and the next remake may be along in five years or less. Hey, a remake couldn't possibly be worse!


Unfortunately the remakes that are better or as good as the originals are sparse.


This is one case where I doubt a remake could actually be worse, if it's not made by a porn studio or something.
