FB is just rehashing stuff that was done much better in HP

Harry Potter was years in development before Rowling even wrote the first book, and the story arrived more or less fully-formed in her head on a train journey. It was a spark of literary genius, and it's no wonder she's a millionaire and HP is world-famous. But Fantastic Beasts was just a small book, cobbled together from various folklore sources with some of her own creations thrown in, which was written out like one of HP's school textbooks, and was made for charity.

The main problem is, greedy Hollywood is trying to make huge movie franchises out of the latter, when there's practically no material there to sustain it. The beasts in question don't really interest me, especially when they're rendered in CGI, so there's no wonder or charm. And Newt Scamander is the main character, but he's just so dull and uninteresting, and the choice of actor for him is BAD.

Another problem is, they've decided to make Grindelwald the main villain, and his goal is to take over the Wizarding World and, with his purebloods, rule over non-magical beings. Now where have I heard that before? That's right, VOLDEMORT. And he was already a far more intimidating villain, with his immortality and of dabbling in the Dark Arts to an extent that no wizard had done so before him. So why repeat, to a lesser extent, what we've already seen of evil in the world of wizards? To cash in?

I didn't like the first FB movie, with the stakes raised so high that the WW would be revealed to the Muggles, and I didn't care for the American side of things, which came off as less civilised than the UK. And now I hear that the FB main character is going elsewhere in the world - why? Rowling had already covered other countries in HP, why extend it here? HP is a BRITISH story.

No, HP was a great series of fantasy books and then movies, but FB looks like a lame cash grab, and for Rowling to feel occupied by writing stuff that basically, was done better before.

I will see this movie, but I know it's going to be all (CGI - ugh) spectacle and no substance.


"The beasts in question don't really interest me, especially when they're rendered in CGI, so there's no wonder or charm. And Newt Scamander is the main character, but he's just so dull and uninteresting, and the choice of actor for him is BAD."

I feel exactly the same. Though the first movie pleased me, I feel no interest whatsoever for these CGI creatures. But then again, people seem really excited for these movie, so I don't really feel like it's purely cash grab. What I want is a more grounded story, with less focus on CGI creatures, but that's not their goal with this new series.


They certainly picked an odd foundation to milk some more money out of the franchise. They all should have just sat down and made a good sequel series about the next generation.
