MovieChat Forums > Incorporated (2016) Discussion > Laura didn´t look happy when she learned...

Laura didn´t look happy when she learned she was pregnant



She isn't happy. She is busy running a clinic in the red zone, falling in love with the guy who finances it, and chopping off the hands of starving children who stole from the clinic.

Not only is she not ready for kids of her own, she's probably unsure about stating with Ben.


Maybe she's not sure about Ben anymore.

#TheXFiles #BreakingBad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #TwinPeaks #POI


I think she is questioning a lot of things. Mostly about bringing a child into such a screwed up world where it will have to be ruthless to survive. She also has admitted to herself that the child will get some pretty ruthless DNA just like she told her mother when she said hands off the clinic. I think she remains devoted to Ben and will probably be excited to tell him. All the guy fans are projecting the Goran relationship onto Laura's character. Maybe I'm naive in thinking women don't want every hot guy they see, but I think Laura is not into Goran YET especially after Ben (who didn't remember Aaron) was so lovey-dovey. She seemed to be eating that up (literally).


And I can just imagine when she finds out about Aaron. Ben is far more badass than Goran-


I don't think you're being naive. It's true--most women are pretty selective because, well, we care about more than just looks and stereotypical 'manliness'. There are other factors that have greater weight with us like whether the guy will be a good partner. I don't think Laura would just fall for someone else out of the blue when she's been so committed to Ben before now and invested so much time in their relationship. She doesn't strike me as being that flighty. Maybe she might consider it and wonder, but an actual affair? I don't see it, unless she and Ben were already broken up beforehand.
