Cabin Burning Down

at first I thought it was staged for the TV show, but when the producers started appearing on camera and talking I was like Oooooh *beep* that's for real, poor guy, I couldn't of kept it together for the camera, I would have been pissed and irate. I wonder how the freak it started ???


You were right in your first thinking... my money is on the fire was started by the producer... now they can milk another Season out of building another cabin.. the cabin was just part of the set anyway.

If you deflect the topic of the thread from the show to me, our discussion is over


I'm calling BS as well. I find it amazing that this guy lived in the woods for 20+ years, then they very first episode his cabin amazingly burns down. I've seen several house fires and other smaller structure fires. The smoke can been seen for 10 miles or more. The fact they wouldn't have noticed is laughable. Not to mention that the area of the fire doesn't even appear to look the same as where the cabin was. My guess is they burnt some wood and through pieces of corrugated sheet metal on top and called it a cabin fire. His real cabin is probably safe and sound a mile a way, if it ever existed at all.
