Thorns Daughter

thorns daughter is Sooooo Cute, buuuut idt if I was the mom, I'd let her go and stay with him for days on end, out there like that, he must have one nice Ex.


no way would I let my kid live like that every other weekend.

"As I sip my soda that I'm sure somebody spit in..."


I don't frown on her going there every other weekend, if she enjoys it. It bothered me that she was sick and instead of buying her medicine, he went hunting for roots and berries to cure her. That smacks of being a little too "free", and could be dangerous.

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Do you know what's in the medicine you buy at the store? I'm guessing mushrooms are safer. When I get sick I take some garlic mixed with water. Then some green tea with honey and cinnamon for coughs.
I only watched one episode just now and it was the medicine one ha ha.
If it was me though I'd let her go home if she was sick.


What? I would TOTALLY let my daughter live like that! Such an amazing education for her! And she clearly loves it. What's she's doing and learning out there is a lot more useful and healthy than playing Minecraft on the couch at home or whatever. And Thorn seems like a pretty cool guy.

As for the cough, I kind of had the same though but then I thought... it's just a cough. And there's really nothing you can do for a cough anyway than wait it out (assuming it's a common cold). The stuff they sell in the drug store doesn't heal you anymore than herbs and mushrooms do. They just help with the symptoms (barely).


Tim-tindall, We do pretty much the same here, but have purchased the items used instead of foraging. I wouldn't know what I was doing. Have you ever tried the Gaia brand throat spray with cinnamon and other ingredierns? It really works. I also use tea with slippery elm bark in it (Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat), but I'd hate to have to forage for it while it was happening.

The other poster was correct, too, in saying you can't do anything for a virus except remedy the symptoms and let the body cure itself. We shouldn't even be treating fevers with acetaminophen if it's not very high. That's the way the body fights off the virus. I'm not willing to let it go as high as some will, though.

I watched a YouTube documentary about the Spanish flu and it noted that it wasn't young nor elderly that died the most, but those in their 20s and 30s who'd be around more people. They aren't sure of the reason. However, they found that once someone got the virus those who survived were those who had good nursing care. That's what mattered most. And that's not the type of para-professional type nursing care we'd get today. It was providing blankets and chicken soup, things like that. Just caring for the person. I found that very interesting.

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


I guess it depends on the sickness and severity. If she was running a high fever, would we forage for local herbs (even in alternative medicine they use plants and things not locally grown in all areas of the world)? If she was injured in some way, would he try caring for her himself?

This can be the problem with the rewilding movement, and they readily admit the population would be dramatically reduced due to survival of the fittest. That's not to say that they would allow people to just die, but if you were paralyzed or something, would you rather use a wheelchair to gain your independence, or would you rather be carried around when others can get around to you like Bran on Game of Thrones?


I know this is old, but what exactly do you think people used before modern medicine was available?

Just because you use natural roots and such for medicine instead of whatever chemical a doctor would prescribe, doesn't mean it doesn't work or isn't effective at all.


I agree with you. However, Thorn did state that if the root her was getting did not work, he would take her to a doctor and not take any chances.

I think that is fair. The only thing that could get rid of a cough that was bacterial in origin is Antibiotics. If the cough was viral in origin, there is no medicine for that anyways. The only medicine you could take is to suppress the symptoms of coughing itself, but not the viral/cold that is causing the cough, that your immune system has to do on it's own.
