Are these people MORONS!?

They show hundreds of little crabs on the beach in one episode. And they can make fire, But they say there's not enough meat in a crab to feed them.

Hey, Einsteins:

Boil don't even have to desalinate the seawater...and throw a few dozen crabs in there.

That soup is now filled with protein, and you can get to the crab meat bits.


On the beach? Who was on the beach? One guy is in the swamp, the others are in the landlocked woods, one guy is in the desert, and another in the snow. You sure you have the right show?

Twitter - My date last night was awful. And then he wouldn't even spend the night.


I think the OP was subconsciously speaking of himself in his thread title. LOL.

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure. - George W. Bush
