The story is too short

Maybe Ubisoft wanted to get money from people who haven't bought new consoles yet, but they could've added a few more missions to the main story. I admit that the gameplay is good and if you like open world games, your money won't be completely wasted on this game, but honestly this is pretty much the same the friends of the series have already seen many before.


I can't get over how much I enjoyed this game, have both Unity and Rogue, and Rogue is my favorite, it ties in well with Unity, AC3, and AC-Blackflag, Shay was very unique guy to play and I love his phrase "I make my own luck."

Actually he was a pretty darn good assassin, and I liked playing his early brotherhood days, also highly enjoyed the time I spent as Shay as a assassin hunter, and the time he spent as a Templar

Lisbon Earthquake mission was the best.


Yeah, the Lisbon mission was great and a clever way to tie a historical event to the story.
