
From the very beginning, the story has been characterized by sudden reversals, deliberate deceit, and unreliable narrators. The reason for these tactics is to mystify the viewer. Therefore, why should we believe any of the events seen in flashback in the final episode?

Never mind what Tom Rob Smith says. He has fooled us and lied to us throughout the series. We will not be deceived again.

The truth is that Alex is alive.


Yep! A truly bad ending for a very promising and beautiful show... Although he could still save it with a second season in which Alex is shown to be alive (which would make more sense, honestly).


Wishful thinking. :) An endning isn't bad just because it's unhappy. That's life.

Dennis Alexis


An ending is bad when it does not fit the narrative of the whole show. I would have been fine with Alex's death if it made sense. It does not.

