Phoned Paris?

Towards the end of the film, when Godfrey's sisters reveal how they discovered that Miss Winters was the spy, they said they'd phoned the Fashion magazine in Paris and found out from them that she lived in Berlin. Saying they'd phoned Paris was as anachronistic as if they'd said they'd looked her up on the Internet!

Obviously the scriptwriters have no idea about global communications during WW2. For a start, you couldn't "just" phone abroad from the UK - such "Trunk" calls had to be booked well in advance via the operator. And let's not forget this is during wartime... communications were closely controlled. You couldn't "just" phone somewhere in Paris - in Nazi occupied France - the security services either end would be onto it immediately.

It was even a bit of a stretch earlier on when they said they'd phoned 'The Lady' magazine in London to check her credentials, but it might have made more sense if they'd followed up what Winters had said about working for Associated Press, found out her Berlin connections somehow and denounced her that way.

"Pudge controls the Weather!"
