MovieChat Forums > The Purge: Election Year (2016) Discussion > How does the Purge benefit the economy?

How does the Purge benefit the economy?

its obviously bad for business unless its insurance.


The idea is that mostly poor & homeless people are purged. Thus unemployment goes down and people needing free government services are eliminated. In reality it's ridiculous but it works for the movie.


Here are a few reasons it is good for economy

A. Insurance surcharges for purge night
B. Security installs and security hardware sales
C. Health insurance - those that didn't die will see the doctor and ER at 7am when purge is over
D. Hell even funeral services and graveyard sales will go up


As to "A.", i truly doubt with all the random destruction going on, that the insurance companies are making any money out of purge night. I mean just think what a 12 hour raging uncontrolled fire would do in a densely populated neighborhood? What if it reached a gas station, power plants, etc.

Also what about theft crime, like bank jobs. If you hire a private army, wouldn't that be extremely expensive, considering the risks?

Property values would be going down in high-risk neighborhoods. Security can only be afforded by the rich anyway, so that is more a niche-market.

There are a lot of plotholes with the purge idea, but once you get over these, and don't think about all that, the movies are rather enjoyable.


. I mean just think what a 12 hour raging uncontrolled fire would do in a densely populated neighborhood? What if it reached a gas station, power plants, etc.
Those facilities probably have military units around them for protection. The movies don't have GPS/smartphone "Purge" apps, but (after watching Oblivion) there could be apps that warn participants that they may be nearing a boundary of a "protected facility" (power station, transformer, treatment facility, aqueduct, etc.) and that venturing into restricted areas is grounds for immediate execution.

↑ The death squads in Anarchy may be able to use those casualties for NFFA propaganda purposes as well.


Dont forget, it eliminates people on government assistance programs like welfare,



I suppose it would probably help with unemployment. All of the random homeless people and unemployed people on the streets would be killed off easily. It would also create a lot of jobs in the construction and security industry. Anyone who can fortify your house for a decent price is going to have a lot of business. Staying safe on Purge night would be the top priority of most people, and they arent going to cheap out on that stuff.

But even with all that, I think the amount of destruction caused on Purge night would greatly outweigh any possible benefits. I can't imagine any insurance company being able to reliably insure buildings, and any small business that gets it location destroyed on Purge night is not going to be able to survive without insurance.


It wouldn't benefit the economy in real life.


A) Insurance: Property damage and healthcare would have a blast.
B) Security Firms: Middle and Upper class people could purchase get good enough security systems and/or bodyguards.
C) Unemployment/underemployment: Since the lower classes wouldn't be able to properly hole themselves up somewhere safe, they would die disproportionately and that would thus lead to a lower vagrancy and unemployment rate.
D) Population control: self-explanatory.
E) Guns: Sales would increase by insane levels, for self-defense and otherwise.

That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure it wouldn't work in real life, though.


Less people is always a win no matter how you look at it. The problem with this is how unrealistic it is, the scale is so small it makes no sense. Just look at Nazi Germany. That's how you do it in real life.


"Just look at Nazi Germany"

Indeed, the Nazi economy worked wonders for all the "right" Germans (the non Jews or non foreign ones).

As for insurance, the movie clearly shows insurance companies pricing poor people out of coverage. Rich people don't have to worry since they can afford to either leave or have real security (mercenaries).


Poor people and those on welfare do not contribute anything meaningful to society.
