LOVED the Candy Bar Girls

They were such fun antagonists with such creative and fun and whacky insane personalities and weapons, like come on, I know the Christmas lights car was a lot but I was loving it . They were definitely one of my favorite parts of this movie hands down .


Happy purge you old fck! Lol


haha... She really wanted that candy bar... I mean I've been kinda hungry before but there's gotta be other ways to get some candy.. I think he should have just thrown them a box of candy bars instead of embracing GTA rules.

I hope everyone just watches these for the stupid entertainment they are and not for any subtle political sentiments the writers think necessary to throw in.

The one thing I just can't get past, that makes these movies just a stupid laughable gore fest, is that the whole idea of Purging is stupid, most murders, and crimes for that matter are spontaneous, not premeditated. It's basically murder night, everyone moves their money so premeditated theft or other major crimes are out... Check this out, A killer personality with a knife or gun in his belt catches his wife in mid action with another dude right at the money shot a day after the purge... You think he's going to say 'ohhh boy, oh man... ya'all just wait 364 days cause it's coming, it's coming big time'. lol!. What about prisoners? They get to purge on purge day? Seems like they would be pretty empty or warlorded out if so.


most murders, and crimes for that matter are spontaneous, not premeditated.

Most murders, and definitely most crimes, are premeditated. The so-called crimes of passion are exceptional.

True Self is righteous. It's a conspiracy to portray Man as a savage that needs taming and policing.


I bought the characters, after all it's an effed up america where they have a thing called the purge

What I had most problems with understanding was why mykelti or the mexican kid didn't shoot these two the first time they arrived to the store? I mean it's purge night and these chicks were up to no good, obvious they were gonna come back, a no brainer to shoot them immediately

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


What I had most problems with understanding was why mykelti or the mexican kid didn't shoot these two the first time they arrived to the store? I mean it's purge night and these chicks were up to no good, obvious they were gonna come back, a no brainer to shoot them immediately
You're not comprehending the Purge rules. The Purge doesn't start till 7pm and it was before 7pm when those nasty b*tches left the store. So standard laws and punishments were still in effect.

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."
If Seagal's in it, it's not a theatrical product, no matter his weight.

Gays Are Not To Be Hated, The Gay Agenda Is...


I wrote this sloppy. What I meant was I don't understand why didn't they kill the girls the second time they arrived at the store instead of waiting til the third time :)

"if seagal was thinner this could have been a theatrical product."


The shop-owners were good guys. They weren't purgers.

True Self is righteous. It's a conspiracy to portray Man as a savage that needs taming and policing.


I disagree. Show me some statistics. Every case of gunshot wound I have been around or heard about was spontaneous over an argument or drunk driver. Two guys arguing at a party for one example, it accumulates aggression and tension until gunshots over the next 30 minutes... I consider that spontaneous, drunk driver pulls out a gun and trys to shoot you, spontaneous... Guy is walking down the street and just opens fire on a truck stopping by, well... Maybe he was out to shoot anyone that day, premeditated? Most murders are spontaneous unless you consider within the day premeditated...

I'd say premeditated crimes are planned at least a few days in advance, that's like walking the line too... More like at least a week... But hey I could be wrong about the literal definition.


> the whole idea of Purging is stupid, most murders, and crimes for that matter are spontaneous, not premeditated.

While I agree that the concept of The Purge is deeply flawed, I do understand what they are trying to say. Having The Purge won't really lower the crime rate very much on the other 364 days of the year. As you say, many crimes are crimes of opportunity or people who's lives are so far out of control that they don't care about anything anymore. In this movie, we see security guards and police and so on that indicate that daily crime is alive and well.

What The Purge does is give people an opportunity to commit some crimes that they normally would not do for fear of prosecution. Murder, of course, is at the top of the list. Lots of people have lingering fantasies about killing someone that has offended them or even killing a random stranger. This is their opportunity to put up or shut up.

But, just because murder or looting during The Purge will not be prosecuted, doesn't mean that there will not be real consequences. If you steal your neighbor's lawn mower during The Purge, he may come over and beat the crap out of you next week when he discovers it is gone. Your boss may fire you for killing a co-worker during The Purge -- that's just not good for employee morale. And your wife may not be happy that you killed her mother.

> What about prisoners? They get to purge on purge day?

Maybe. But, probably not, since prisons get paid per inmate and if all the inmates died, they'd go out of business. They probably all stay in lock down during The Purge. Or, actually, Purge day would be no different than any other day. Fighting and murder are against prison rules and you have your sentence extended and privileges removed for violating the rules no matter what day it is.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I found them to be incredibly annoying, and I was very pleased to see them get hit by the van.


Haha me too very annoying, didn't think they would be killed off so fast but so were the anti-america suck ppl. Nice to see them all taken out like they were.



When she said she killed her parents, I just wanted to know the thought process she came up into making that decision. Like, what happens the day after your parents are dead, where are you going to live? That part just made me smh.


She gets everything they had... she's going to get the house.

The thing I asked myself was, if she hated them why did she wait for so long?

I would guess people that purge usually start with people they know (hate),
then later that night or the following year/s they go after strangers for 'fun'.


True if she was over 18. But, she was wearing a school uniform. She is still in high school and is a minor. She wouldn't inherit their money right off, she would have to live with a family member if she still has one that would want to accept her after what she did. So more then likely she would become a ward of the state and would be tossed from foster homes to foster homes until she turns 18.


lol right, what family member in their right mind would take her in? she didnt even think of what would happen. but maybe in their world you dont have to be 18 to live on your own.


It was the purpose of thoses characters, yeah.


To the people complaining about the black girls acting abilities and saying it should be a white girl imo the whole point was to demonstrate black on black crime. Most crimes that happen to blacks are by other blacks not white police officers shooting them down. That is the reason why it was a black girl casted for the role.


I think White on White crime was waaaay more rampant in this movie if that's where you're want to go. Same-race crimes are just another false propaganda since people tend to kill those closest to them.

can't outrun your own shadow


It was the most annoying thing in the movie, but we got justice in her death


Loved them too and their loud outlandish outfits.

But yeah, they were supposed to be annoying so you enjoy their comeuppance even more.

Danielle Harris 
Ive got a big dog with me, and he bites!


The masks are my favorite part of the purge movies and this movie definitely had great ones. The candy girls were hilarious. What boggles my mind is, if you can afford gold plated AKs why would you be stealing candy in the first place? lmao



It was a joke, hence the "lmao" at the end, but thanks for the serious answer, i guess.



if you have to say it's a joke, it probably wasn't very funny. also, don't add "lmao" to the end of your sentences for the love of god.


Wow. Get a life.


if you can afford gold plated AKs why would you be stealing candy

In college I knew a girl who I went out to eat with. At the end of the meal we wanted Chop sticks. I said lemme ask and they'll just give us some. She said, "No, this is more fun" and swiped a couple sets. They were the fairly nice and we had money if they didn't give us some -- she just wanted the thrill.




Plenty of rich people have been caught stealing small things IRL. It's the thrill of doing something unlawful and not getting caught doing it.

Notice how they both were wearing school uniforms? Yeah, they're not poor.


Thank you captain buzzkill.


I was picturing them all at a slumber party bedazzling the stocks of their guns

There is no objective reality... and that's Sucker Punch


It isnt about them being able to afford the candy. It was about the thrill of stealing it, and then being pissed for being stopped. A power trip.



You're clearly a little late to the conversation


I dont give a *beep*



You cared enough to reply. Twice.


Here is a 3rd reply to again state.. that I dont give a *beep*



So now you care 3 times as much as you did in the first place, you aren't very good at this.


I know this sounds cliche but it should have been a blonde white girl ala lollipop chainsaw as the leader. Instead though, it was some annoying ghetto c+++ that can't act for sh!t.


I agree about the negro leader girl being annoying and overacting so killing her off so quick wasnt satisfying at all they should had tortured her to death.


Reporting both of you racists.


I totally agree with this. Also they should have one The Purge movie where it takes place on the streets ONLY. Just imagine a movie like this with only the nuts people running around killing others like maniacs with diff sick masks etc..

That would be nuts imo <- follow for movie discussions, I'm the infamous lagcats, AMA.


IMHO They were one of the most fun characters in the movie. Hot-crazy-sexy-psycho-girls and not a dude in sight. A fantasy come true.I was sorry they didn't get more time on screen and killed off so abruptly after a fairly good build up.

Good times!


Yes that was exactly my opinion as well, such great build up, I mean it was a funny death but I would have enjoyed seeing more of them before it happened Same with the foreigners with the awesome masks. the masks are seriously one of my favorite parts of these movies
