MovieChat Forums > Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015) Discussion > Rebecca is an unlikeable selfish bitch

Rebecca is an unlikeable selfish bitch

Are we really supposed to be rooting for this character? Her obsession with Josh to the exclusion of anything else including people's feelings is such a turn off. Both Greg and Josh deserve better than this trash.


True, but she's funny and on a rare occasion endearing. She is incredibly selfish and self-absorbed.


You don't have to root for her to enjoy the show. Her humor is self-deprecatory, so if you want to laugh at her, she is laughing along with you. If you think she is self-absorbed, you and she are in total agreement.


She's an anti-hero. The show makes you root for her getting the help she needs more than her love life.


I'm not rooting for her. She's funny to watch but as a person, she sucks.


She's depressed. Depressed people are not capable of thinking about others, which makes them selfish. In her depression, she believes that if she gets to be with Josh she won't feel bad anymore. She's very emotionally immature. But when she has her selfishness pointed out to her, she tries to improve. I like this about the show, even if Rebecca herself is not always a likeable character.


I think she's written to be selfish.. but likeable 😏, and that's what she is.

🐬 ma ink


Rebecca is a very problematic character. I don't hate her but i do think she's had a rough life and she clings onto Josh to have that kind of normalcy. I don't think you're supposed to root for her. She makes bad decisions, and even admits it. Hopefully, this season, she finds out she won't have that fairytale ending because it doesn't exist.


I know people like this character, they are messed up in the head. It's always drama with them. You just want to stop getting involved in their crap but somehow they suck you in.


I read somewhere that if one was actually to be stuck as a real person in a fictional television show, a sitcom life may be one of the worst. It may be fun to watch, but to actually live, not.


Especially with Rebecca, she lies to cover up lies that were other lies. She's smart and a lawyer. She's able to manipulate other people like Josh. He's a not so smart guy and gets stuck in her web of lies. Guys like Greg get her BS but she's some freaky hot tail though.
