Opening Giant Scene

Do I understand Twin Perfect’s interpretation correctly? (The relevant part is here:

He seems to think that Cooper represents the audience, and this particular instance of Cooper is from after the end of P18, he says ‘I understand’ in response to the Giant asking him if he remembers ‘Richard and Linda’ because in this scene he represents an audience member who has seen the entire series.

Am I understanding him correctly? If so, that suggests that Cooper survived the finale, which is quite a bold claim.

What do you think is going on in this scene?


I heard a rumor that the opening Giant scene was not in the original script and that it was added in late. I personally don't think the scene should've been included.

I don't like the scene and I don't like the Giant/scenes with him. Just give me the Red Room with Mike and the Arm, not the Giant.

Cooper says, "I understand" after the Giant asks him if he understands. Cooper does not understand by the end of the series, since Cooper has to ask what year it is. I think your interpretation could be right, that it's supposed to represent the audience. Maybe it just represents the naivety of Cooper, and thus us, to some degree. We have to be better detectives.

I think the real last scene of Cooper is in the end credits with Laura - he got sent back to the Lodge again. Similar to how he got sent back to the Lodge at the beginning of Part 18 after trying to find Laura at the end of Part 17.
