Sonny Jim

Is there anything to the theory that Sonny Jim is actually Cooper as a child? I actually see it now after watching the series again. This makes me love the series even more. Everyone was screaming about there being no Cooper, but he was right in front of our noses all along. Seeing Cooper as a child is awesome.


Considering nothing makes sense with any of it, you are free to make up your own version of the story.

I like the theory that Hawk is a shareholder in the casino where Cooper swindled the pokies with his electric magic.


I guess. With everything, it is fun to think and theorize about this show.


I'd have liked it better if Agent Cooper kept his slicked back hairstyle.


Kyle doesn't have the head of hair he once had.


Sunny Jim is such a son of a Tulpa.


I don't think so, but with Lynch you never know.


"I Am the FBI."
