my review

I enjoyed Twin Peaks quite a bit. NIce portrait of their thoughts on other dimensions. The idea about the atomic bomb opening another dimension to the world was new to me. Never really thought of that. There are more than a few mysteries, something Lynch likes.

For instance, it sure looked like Steven killed himself and Becky. It looked like Audrey is in some kind of mental asylum. Good to see Mr. C dealt with. The ending reminded me of when Donna went to Mrs. Tremond's house for Meals on Wheels in Laura's place. And it seems that Laura had a doppelganger and Cooper was led to her. Apparently Diane went into the Black Lodge and Cooper was able to get her out. And it seems that she wanted to get away from him after that, after one last goodbye that is. And Lucy was scared out of her mind, and sure acted accordingly. Dougie returned to Janey E and Sunny Jim, nice.

I could say that a few more episodes could be in order though. The Shelly and Red relationship is still a mystery, though someone suggested that Shelly is an informant, which would make sense. I was concerned for Sarah Palmer also, though somehow I think if she is left alone she will be fine. Sure is a mystery though. I like the multiple timeline suggestion considering that Sarah appeared to be a home.

It's proverbial that everyone had a double somewhere in the world.

I imagine some situations will be clarified in Mark Frost's book 'Twin Peak: The Final Dossier'.
