Good Show

Can't believe nobody has anything on the boards...found the show surfing tv a couple weeks ago. Then I found out it is a new show, so I guess I have seen all the episodes. On the 4th Episode now.
I wish the big networks put on shows like this, crime drama that you don't feel like you need to take a shower after watching. I am so tired of all the shows I used to enjoy running out of ideas, so they just try to be more sick and bizarre.

don't look here, the jokes between your ears


It's syndicated so its going to be buried in the 'off hours' and not going to be a common timeslot across markets... so it's not like people in NY & Chicago are seeing it at the same time...

I mean, case in point you posted this while watching Episode 4, some 8 hours prior to my finding episode 4 (according to the time stamp) which means it airs Saturday in Primetime for your market and Early Sunday in mine

and I only found it by accident; had never even seen a commercial

as far as clean Viewing... Canada has some decent product getting syndicated into the US... Murdoch Mysteries and Republic of Doyle are two of the best...

ION network has Listener, Flashpoint and Rookie Blue all out of Canada as well


I just found it, too & came here looking for more info. Weirdly, we are only on the 2nd episode here.


I only found it by accident too. With no regular time, it has no hope of surviving.
I like the Kate Warne character. America's first woman detective would be a good basis for a History Channel program, if the History Channel were still doing actual history.
One doesn't often see the Pinkerton's depicted favorably. In a 1977 TV movie Clu Gulager's detective character is asked if he is anything like a Pinkerton's. His reply: "If I am, sir, I try not to let it show."


it has no hope of surviving.

actually a lot of syndicated series are or at least used to be created 'on spec'... and get renewed on faith...

because they know they won't get a Universal broadcast renewal is more about convincing enough local Affiliate decision makers that the cost to local ratings makes them more viable that something else...

whereas a Network series needs to worry about keeping 'one guy' and his bean counters happy... case in point USA's White Collar was still doing respectable in the ratings, but at the end of Season 5, the axe came down... Fan outcry got then a 6 episode season 6 to wrap up

-- we'd never get such a reprieve like that on a syndicated series, but again if it pulls down scale numbers in enough local markets it's not likely to be blindly canceled either

as to the depiction of the Pinkertons, it has fluctuated... my guess is that the line you cite was more a self deprecating joke at the expense of Clu's character than a slight on the Pinkertons... ie they were professional/polished

from what I've seen they were still treated as the good guys, or unaware of the Hero's innocence... it was only into the 90s/00s when we started seeing the genre deconstructed that they became Villains... which to be fair considering some of their actions as Corporate enforcers is somewhat accurate...
-- I mean How many times has 'Jesse James' been depicted on Film as the Protagonist... One his most notable Opponents in History was the Pinkertons... and Yet the 'Pinkertons as antagonist' and/or Villains to a 'Heroic' James Gang is woefully underused in those films, despite how easy it would have been to make them 'stroking a white cat'-Evil... even in the Super sugar-coated "American Outlaws" Timothy Dalton's Alan Pinkerton was shown as respecting Jesse as a 'worthy opponent'


I searched it after hearing so much about it. It's great to see so many familiar faces from Winnipeg on tv.


It's no Copper or Ripper Street but I am enjoying it so far. Only thing I think is lacking is that the dialogue doesn't sound like it's representative of the period. Outside of Alan most everyone's speech sounds largely modern. They can also tame down on all the background music too.


I'm pretty sure that John would have been referred to as "colored" or "negro" more often than "black" in the 19th Century, even by his white friends. I keep expecting Kate to be addressed as "Ms." and the indigenous people to referred to as "Native Americans."


Political Correctness trumps Period Accuracy I guess...

I'm more expecting 'Canada-isms'... in that we'll me more likely to see 'Aboriginal' or 'First Nation' than 'Native American'...


I was right! The closed captions show Kate being addressed as "Ms." in her undercover role in 1.18. Whoever writes the captions must be too young to remember life before political correctness.


The actor who spoke the line may have addressed her as "Miz" Warne, and the captioner misheard the word. "Miz" is a common diminutive of "Mrs." in Westerns.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Reminds me of "Murdoch Mysteries" (also known as "Art of the Detective" in America sometimes), which is also a Canadian production. Very, very attached to that program.

Guessed right if you like Murdoch, you'll like "Pinkertons." Wish US programs could create the same type of work - no excessive blood or gore, an intriguing storyline, and a tiny bit of humor to keep you interested in the characters. Far superior to all the dark, gloomy, R-rated American programming I've given up watching.

Get right or get left!
