A bit manipulative

I understand the type of atmosphere this movie had to create. The protagonist being trapped in her situation, pushed into things by people around her etc. The problem is that the people around her were a bit too much.

For a while they piss you off as a viewer and you don't understand why there isn't a single person in the movie who has the tiniest bit of sympathy for the main girl, to actually realizing it's overdone. Even the wise guy who picks up energy couldn't just have a normal conversation with her telling her that she needs some mental help, but rather avoids her in such exaggerated way to the point where it makes her additionally freak out, and then acts like she's a psychopath.

I didn't especially love her character (good acting though), she was weak and spineless and put herself into this situation just to end up whining and suffering throughout the movie. But - some people are like that, and who says that protagonist needs to be likable. No one around her acted believable though. Her mother, husband, it's hard to believe they would act the way they did even with their motivations in mind.

It would be cool if the movie got us to wonder if people around her are not really so bad but, like the house, are just responding to her negativity. But then more subtlety is required. Here everyone was just a jerk and made you pity her, and then you have to ask yourself why she is in this situation in the first place because could have easily avoided everything she spends the whole movie fighting against.
