God or Satan?

Was he God or Satan?


I think at that point wouldn't you have to ask "What's the difference"?

If you think about it from a non-religious stance, God and Lucifer would best be analogized by saying they're two sides of the same person/entity; illustrating the dichotomy of man himself.

If he is God, then why is he so reliant on the concept of free will. If he was Lucifer, why was a test run needed?

If you really want to assign one name he'd likely be Lucifer, or the evil side of the entity, as he was followed by a group of, what came off as, demons. Though argument could be offered that "The Red Bastard" is a representation of an aborted child/fetus and the rest were Arch Angels. That being said, if they were Arch Angels they weren't very active.


None. Just brosnan starring in another pathetic bore ass movie


Heeding the opinion of someone who uses the phrase "bore ass" would be like taking stock market advice from... well...someone who says "bore ass." Or really, acting as if someone who would say "bore ass" has anything of value to add to the world at all, other than improving it by his or her departure.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


I'm going with Satan. If the old testament is anything to go by when God wants to wipe out large populations his methods are swift and comprehensive.


I'm thinking God, he talks about "his" people. Satan doesn't have people. He has minions.


I'm going for God, given his line near the end of "I'm also fascinated by the anomalies of my creation"

Small moves Ellie small moves


Near the end you can see that Pierce Brosnan has a boat named Meddigo which is an anagram for demigod.
What is the meaning of Demigod?

Noun: demigod 'de-mee,gód

A person with great powers and abilities
- superman, Übermensch

A person who is part mortal and part god
- daemon


Interesting analysis on the boat name but I think it may be simpler than that. The boats name was Meggido not Meddigo.

Meggido is the place where the battle of Armageddon is to begin, the beginning of end days.

Also when the immune character says "You are playing God" Brosnan replies "I'm not playing." This to me says he is actually God himself.


Oops I just rewatched the end part and it's MEGIDDO
which still makes DEMIGOD.


Actually Megiddo is taken from the ancient religeous tell site in Isreal "Tel Megiddo" which is the prophecied location where Armageddon will take place.


potential spoilers, scroll down for reply

I think Brosnan's "The Man" isn't god or the devil, but a hallucination by Jason Bretner. The club I believe is owned by Bretner, this is why he always sees The Man, and even though others appear to interact with him, I believe this could still be part of the delusion. The Man also knows a lot about Jason. His personal information, the same kind of rhetoric, or knowledge in how he talks about things. The Man is in a way the hidden "id" of Jason, much like how Tyler Durden is for the unnamed narrator, or Agent Parcher, Charles Herman were for Nash in The Beautiful Mind. Most people romanticize mental illness as the creation of a person's consciousness that is missing from themselves. These people are often considered schizophrenics, which is not the case. I'm schizophrenic myself, and yes even though schizophrenic means "split mind", it doesn't mean "split personality" it means "split from reality". Also the drug never seems to affect Jason, but why him of all people? Some say he lives without holding back any of his urges, yet it would be ironic that he could be holding back for himself a so-called father figure, or alter ego. Why else would he consider selling the drug urge to other people if he didn't believe his own way of life, as in having no urges of control. The Man and his minions, or most of them at least, could be an ongoing part of his hallucination. He could have even derived the drug from his own biochemistry, thus creating a psychotic state in the people who took large doses of it. So my theory is Brosnan's "The Man" isn't god or the devil, but a hallucination, or a projection of his own hidden urges, mental urges of destruction and chaos, which is a form of freedom of urges in a slightly theatrical sense. The id is often considered the animal part of our nature, and thus when we see these ids of people, they behave like animals and become inhumane, the drug never affected Josh because he was either always acting on his id, or had suppressed his id so well that it only showed itself in the forms of The Man and his minions. Sorry for the long post, but I hope this explains a few things.



** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


You have the more interesting take on what we see, but I think the post credit scene speaks against it.

It shows a random women and her kid doing shopping in a seemingly empty (of other people) supermarket and the boy wonders of only to discover an aisle full of what I would best describe as Zombies eating candy and cakes or perhaps it was just random food items...

What and how does this explain anything? Well either Jason's split personality keeps spreading his drug and infecting the world in a way we did not directly see on the island or it shows us that Armageddon has begun just as James Bond said it would.... the zombie part of the final scene supports the more straight forward version, I sadly think :)

** I am normally not a praying man, but if you are up there, please save me Superman **


God. Easy. There was no hint at all by the way he was talking about his creations that he was Satan. God created man not Satan.
