It's on Netflix

Just discovered this show on Netflix. Loving it.



Sucks that only the first six episodes are on Netflix... I guess ore will come shortly..., I love this show!


Acorn TV now has the second season. Dunno when Netflix will get it.


I love it, it's nice to be able to laugh WITH the characters, not AT them.


I never noticed the characters having a laugh at any time in the first series. Start second this evening. I have thoroughly enjoyed six delightfully amusing half hours. Mackenzie has done a very good job and [his] cast has all slotted in as their characters neatly to tell us this story.

It is understated comedy and while some of the ridiculous situations can raise out loud laughs it is not intended to be like that. We are still laughing at how people get on with their lives in this imperfect world.

Every thing in the story is played to a WTF are they up to.

Perhaps the Ricky Gervais attitude that many humans are really morons [at times] has rubbed off.

Agreed that unless their is a definite worked end the series can run for a while. But not please the exploding of a very large bomb.

I have had this sat waiting to view for some time. Should have started it much earlier.

To find that it was on NETFLIX annoying as I subscribe to that.


Same. Good series.

"I could've sworn there was one more peanut butter left." -- Morgan, The Walking Dead
